the rain won't stop me ⇒ kim seokjin

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you laid in your bed, still trying to fall asleep. your eyes were closed and your body was relaxed. indeed, it was the morning. but you still wanted to sleep, and to continue the lovely dream you were having about your boyfriend. however, just as you could feel your consciousness slipping away, your phone began to buzz lightly on the wooden nightstand next to your bed. you sighed, annoyed. begrudgingly, you sat up in your bed, already missing the warmth of your linen sheets, and grabbed your phone, sliding your finger across its screen in order to answer the call.

"hello." you spoke, your voice heavy and hoarse.

you heard the light chuckle of your boyfriend on the other side, "was my jagi sleeping?"

you lips grew into a smile, your cheeks heating up slightly. "trying to, before somebody called me."

seokjin, your boyfriend, laughed. "it was for a good cause, i swear."

you laughed, shaking your head lightly. "yeah?"

"yes, because we are going on a date."

you blushed and tugged on your bottom lip with your teeth. "really?"

you could practically hear seokjin's smile through the phone as he hummed. "get dressed, babe. i'll pick you up soon."

"okay," you replied, fully awake suddenly, "take your time. i have lots to do."

seokjin smiled (although, you couldn't see it). "oh, and don't eat breakfast."

seokjin hung up seconds later, leaving you with the silence of your apartment. you tore yourself away from the grasps of your warm bed and stood up, stretching your muscles and joints as you began to prepare for your date. you grabbed some clothes that you wanted to wear. you kept your attire comfortable but cute. then, you hopped into your shower, making sure to leave time to dry and style your hair afterwards.

you were hungry by the time you were ready, but seokjin told you not to eat, which led you to wonder why. perhaps, he had prepared a nice picnic. after all, his cooking was the best. you waited patiently for your boyfriend to arrive.

a few minutes later, the doorbell rang. excitedly, you jumped up from your seat and answered the door. there seokjin stood, a walking definition of what boyfriend material looked like. he was in simple, designer attire. he smiled with a tint of pink in his cheeks as he pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms around your body. you giggled as you returned his hug, relishing in his warmth and masculine scent. 

he pulled away. "you ready to go?"

you nodded and followed him out of your apartment, making sure your door was locked. you followed him out of your apartment building, where seokjin led you to his car. you slid into the passenger seat. as you were buckling your seat belt, you peeked into the backseat, finding a nice, big basket sitting in the back. you were right about a picnic date. 

seokjin grinned at you. he was excited to take you on a date. it had been a while since you and him had a proper date because of his busy schedule. not that you and him don't talk, and sometimes you and him hang out at each other's places. but this was the first official date of 2019. 

the drive to wherever seokjin planned on going wasn't long. he eventually pulled into a parking lot for a large park. it didn't seem busy, in fact, it felt slightly unusual. normally, the entire city of seoul were walking or resting in this park. seokjin got out and grabbed the basket. you followed, reaching for his hand as soon as you and him began walking.

as you walked, you noticed how the breeze wasn't peaceful. the temperature, too, didn't feel as warm as you were expecting. you dismissed those thoughts, you didn't want your mood to be ruined by weather.

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