Book 2 : Falling

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Harry and I were never quite the same again. I thought about that night a lot, how it just changed everything:

     “So I see you came.” I said sleepily as I rolled over, giving him some room to join me in my bed. 

     “Of course I did baby-“ He lay beside me and put his arms tightly around me, giving me all of his body warmth. He didn’t even bother to ask if I had forgiven him, instead he just said “Goodnight.” And drifted off.

      For some reason, I couldn’t though. Even in his arms, all I thought about was Niall, and him telling me about how he was always the second choice and how unimportant he truly thought himself to be. It just made me uncomfortable with Harry. I rolled over and sat up.

      “What’s wrong.” He asked, while opening his eyes. 

      “Harry I can’t do this.” I tried to say it as calmly as I could, hoping he’d understand.

     “So we’re done?” The words stung me, was I really just going to end it here?

     “No- I mean… Just not yet H-“ I was so lost for words at that moment;

     “Well I honestly don’t know what else to do. And obviously neither do you so whatever I’ll leave you alone k?-“ My heart sank as he just simply walked out and slammed the door. Just like that he was gone.  At that point I felt no emotion at all, I just felt dead. I felt as if my heart were weighing down my chest and it was suffocating me as slowly as possible, getting heavier by the second. I just sat there like that, staring at the door hoping maybe he’d come back. But he wouldn’t. He’s not stupid, I pretty much just rejected him. And I’ve managed to do it again, brake yet another person. 

But then I realized, Harry would eventually get over it. 

The only thing truly broken was myself.  

And so that’s how it ended.

Our whole relationship just ended like that. The next day was even worse;

The boys all decided to go to lunch, but neither one of use wanted to go. Somehow Niall ended up convincing me that it would be fun, and I went. The entire time Harry nor I said a word at all, we just shared an occasional awkward glare. The boys seemed to notice too;

    “Okay you guys really need to stop this.” Said Louis, I don’t blame him though, we were literally just making the whole thing awkward. 

     “I thought you two made up-“ Implied Niall, he seemed better today, which at least made me a little bit happier than I was before.

     “So much for that.” He snarled at me and stood up, “I guess I should just leave, I’m not really helping anyone by being here anyways” 

     “Harry, common.” Whined Zayn as he walked out, ignoring him completely.

     “Can you tell me what happened?” Whispered Niall. He was sitting on the seat to my right. 

     “I will when we get home ok.” 

Harry didn’t come back that night either. Actually he was seen with another girl the same night, drinking at some club. Which is illegal here saying that he’s 18. But the press apparently thought it was a good enough story not to arrest him for it. None of the boys spoke around me at all on the way home, except for Niall who told me that it’d be fine and that they’d get over it.

      “You know if you want I have a stash of ice cream, I think there’s like every flavor invented. I’ll show you it and we can go watch a movie if you want? To help get your mind off of everything?” Was the first thing that he had said to me when we got home. It made me smile, I actually felt happy that day for a change. 

      “That actually sounds really fun.” His eyes lit up as he brought me to the kitchen, he was right, there must have been every flavor ever in there. We got a spoon and all of the ice cream we could carry and wobbled our way over to the movie room.

      “Woah, did you guys just rob an ice cream shop or-?” Said Liam as he eyed us suspiciously. 

      “Oh no, were just going to the movie room. You didn’t know about the stash in the freezer?” Replied Niall as he put his leg up, supporting the tubs so they wouldn’t fall to the ground. Liam just laughed.

     “You guys want some help?” 

     “Naw, we’re fine thanks Liam.” 

     “Well okay, don’t have too much fun.” He winked at us and I could feel my face turn red. I mean we were just having ice cream and watching a movie. As friends- Nothing romantic about that right? 

   Once we finally got to the movie room, we dropped the maybe 10 tubs of ice cream we had on the couch to pick a movie. After looking through the movie channel about 20 times we decided to watch “21 jumpstreet”, mostly because he hadn’t seen it yet and it was my favorite movie. During the movie he bet me that I couldn’t eat a tub of ice cream before he could, and since I’m pretty competitive I accepted his challenge. After I got to the 3/4ths point though I threw up, it sucked though because I would’ve beaten him. Really though, it was fun. Not the throwing up part just like the whole thing in general. I never really noticed how cool Niall actually was until then. By the end of the 2nd movie we watched it was getting pretty late though, I had my head on his lap and he was playing around with my brown messy unbrushed hair. It’s not like it could look any worse than it did.

      “Are you sure you’re not tired, I could carry you back.” Said Niall, he was right, I was pretty tired; but I liked it here. 

     “I could just sleep here in the movie room, this couch is really comfy.” It was more comfortable than my actual bed, which surprised me. 

    “Fine, I’m going to go put the rest of the ice cream away though.” He got up and sweetly smiled at me, even with his braces his smile was pretty cute. 

    “Are you coming back?” 

    “Yeah I am. But get to sleep. I doubt you’ve gotten any in the past few days.” There he was right again. 

Love me like you do (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now