Chapter 13

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Waking up this morning was a bitch, i'm not gunna lie. My face hurt like hell against the cold, crisp air, because, most naturally I didn't have a heater. After waking up I started my normal morning routine: wake up, feed lil fishy, eat, get dressed, brush my teeth,ect. 

I didn't know what it was about this morning but its was oddly moving slower than usual, and homework just wasn't going to cut it until 1:30 for the fights, so I decided to hit up my nearest target for another firstaid kit.

The walk there was a gruesome one the weather was horrible, it was raining cats n dogs and i had no rain jackets beside cotton hoodies, my black semi skinny jeans, and trusty converse didn't do much to keep me dry either on my way to target. After about 30 minutes i finally made it there, drenched but there.

Walking up and down the aisle I decided to call Blaze for my parent cover, but of course he didnt pick up leaving me straight to voicemail waiting for the beep to go off i heard something catching my attention

"Runt??" of course it was Drew, i tried to keep walking and pretend not to know him, but he caught my arm and pulled me back causing me to stumbled into his chest

looking up awkwardly i answered "oh hey Drew fancy seeing you meeeeee..................."

I saw a flash of anger run throughout his eyes and grab my chin roughly pulling me up to look at him " what the fuck happened to your face" 

i pulled away slightly"nothing"

he softened up a bit " it s doesn't look like nothing, your lip is split for fucks sake" 

" really, its nothing to worry about, i just ran into some assholes( which really isn't a lie, the fighters are dicks i should know because i am one) I'm okay though" I don't know but something inside me just wanted to curl up into him and cry, and just express my anger and hurt that the world never let me do. 

he just looked at me "your wet" 

"wow, really I didn't notice" my eye roll was uncontrollable, the sass just kinda seeps out of my body.

"c'mon I live close by you can have some clothes" he responded in a grunt then i saw him pick up a basket which i didn't even notice him have filled with candy and goldfish. That's it. This boy has my heart. 

"no" fuck i realized i had the fights at 1:30 it was already 10:30 am

"no?" he asked bewildered 


"shut up grab your stuff, let's go pay" he answered leaving no room for me to argue

he turned and left in a rush, walking with a very quick pace to the counter, which ment I was basically running to keep up with his long legs, he turned into the self checkout section scanning his items

"give it to me" fuck did he mean right here???? right now??? I don't wanna give up my virginity at target......who said i even wanted to fuck him..werido 

He saw my look and with a slight cuteass smile he said very very slowly " your firstaid kit darlin' so I can pay" 

I could actually feel the blush forming over my cheeks, " oh yea right" I was so wound up I forgot to tell him no, as soon as my senses come back I responded    " wait no, I can pay for myself. thank you very much" 

"opps sorry looks like I already put my card in, so your outta luck"  he said very smugly, knowing he was going to get his way

"well I only have cash anyway, so I'll just pay you back right now" 

"nope, sorry I just keep my card in my pocket, I don't have a wallet for the cash"he said STILL SOUNDING SMUG, I swear ima beat his fine ass 

"well you can sure as hell put it in your pocket" I just didn't understand why he didn't take my money, I don't like free hand outs. 

"c'mon runt, lets get to the car" ignoring what i said, so i decided to just slip the money in his bag, when i picked up all the grocery bags

"fine whatever" so we ran out between cars to reach his Black Jeep Wrangler he unlocked amd hopped in which definitely wasn't an easy task. As soon as i made it up which took a century he busted up laughing 

"BAHAHHAHA..runt... you could barly make it up..aahahaha...your so small n cute" he couldn't control his laughter, so i definitely had to knock his ego down a couple pegs.

"did you just call me cute???????" i asked smugly, which stopped his laughter in his tracks. 

"no.....shutup"  and he just turned on the radio, leaving us in comfortable silence, and small smiles on our faces 


soooooooooo i'm not dead? yikes, im sorry my dudes. im so so so sorry i killed the book but im finally reviving it !!!!!!!! and im trying to update everyday or every other day so we can get an ending in and you guys wont have to wait that much longer. im sorry ilysm. PLease like, comment, and follow<3


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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