The land behind the walls of Zion

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The land behind the walls of Zion

Spend all night fantasizing about that fact ... so many longed for those scrolls that all that came to my mind was how could he have them?

That night was impossible for me to sleep, and the next day came just leviathan told him about this new plan, but did not seem convinced, he was risking his skin, and did not know if it would have the same fate that I had to escape from the palace and the cherubim, things had changed a little, well a lot to be realistic.

Leviathan put a thousand and one excuses, but I was not willing to take no for an answer, he needed the other scrolls so that would get at any cost.

In addition I had another brilliant idea, and it was to give the fruit to Belial and leviathan do our ally and could count on your help to get the other scrolls.

He was not convinced but it is better to do dangerous things in the company, at least you know you will not die alone, strange behavior that still exists today, but hey, who am I to judge?

After this long conversation to try to convince him, we started talking about everything new that he had discovered, and when you talk about a place that really seemed irrelevant when I read it, because there were so many new things that he knew of which he spoke on that parchment, that if I stopped every time I saw one, not finished reading it was so fast.

But yet leviathan did not seem so irrelevant when "inferno" name, because I was sure I had heard somewhere, what piqued my intrigue for me also made me familiar that name, but really this angel ( who had written the diary), I speak very little of it in his diary, but it was where he lived.

Leviathan was sure I had heard about this somewhere, and we set out to await the report of Azazel, if someone had an uncanny knack of knowing almost everything was him.

And so, just came Azazel, leviathan and I started to attack him questions, and certainly he knew something, though not much, the funny thing was that what he told us for some reason I felt I already knew.

All I know is that it is a place behind the walls of Zion, I read in a book that was in the palace, I put a lot of interest but then when I went looking for was gone, and suddenly forget so far -

Azazel told us, but at this point nothing surprises me, it seems that the trick of making the angels of Zion are clear the memory after acquiring some information that father did not want us to know, it was routine.

And indeed he was being very annoying!

But what could I do?

I had not found something useful in the scrolls to help me do something, anything, to get out of this situation.

Wait a little longer to Asmodeos join our conversation and decide how to do to give the fruit to Belial and reach the other scrolls, we had to find the right time, we might not be so reckless and irresponsible as we went Azazel or something could go wrong.

But Azazel, you can think that we should also give the fruit Michael and Gabriel, and thus the top five of Sion would be united, and the truth is that I did not feel bad idea, but if I felt that something was not going to work out, not I know why but that feeling of hatred miguel, would not let me accept the fact that he could be with us, so I asked Azazel and leviathan only give him the fruit miguel if they saw it was strictly necessary.

And so the days passed, obviously the first to bite the fruit was Belial, which was a resounding success, as it was on our side, and although like all of us had its transition time, he was willing to get the missing scrolls together leviathan.

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