Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

I was standing amongst a large crowd, in the Group D section, watching as my big brother, Jeremiah, jousted with one of the other bigger boys from Group C. I cheered him on as he advanced toward his opponent. But the other boy touched him with his sword and shouted "Touché!" This ended the joust tournament, and the Royal Assembly.

I watched as my brothers hugged each other, only thing now remained. I wanted to go to them, but I was so small in the huge crowd.

"Michael!" I shouted, getting up on a big chair as I tried to see over the adults. "Jeremiah!"

"Miss Faith!" Miss Bertrum scolded, taking me by the arm and pulling me down. "Stop that nonsense at once!"

She shook me as she said this. I nodded vigorously, her scowl sent chills down my spine. The blood shot painfully through my arm as she released it.

"Now," said Mr. Sanders, a teacher from Group A. "If all the participants would please come and stand on the platform, here."

Twenty participants went and stood in front of the school board. Mr. Sanders went on to explain the final rules, and how fifteen students would be bumped into the graduating class. I watched my brothers in anguish as they all lowered their heads.

"The participants from Group D have done their best," Mr. Sanders went on, motioning to my five brothers. "Yet, it saddens me to say that it was not enough. They will not be graduating."

"No!" I said, covering my eyes with my hands as I began to cry. "No!"

"Miss Faith!" came Miss Bertrum's scolding again. "That is enough!"

"But they are my only family!" I cried, pulling my hands away.

I looked just in time to see them being led to a big van. No sooner had the door been shut, the van sped away towards the far west part of the gigantic school property.

"It will be okay," said a blonde boy who was standing next to me. "You will see them again."

"You think so?" I asked, wiping my nose on the back of my hand.

"I know so," the boy smiled and patted my shoulder. "My name's Lukan, what's yours?"


Lukan took my hand and we ran to the tables to get something to eat.

I woke up crying, sweating buckets all over, and my breathing had increased. I turned on the bedside lamp and hugged my knees.


I looked up; Joshua was standing in the doorway. He came and sat on the bed beside me.

"The dream?" he asked, rubbing my knee comfortingly.

I nodded with a sob and hid my face in my knees. I felt Joshua move closer and pull me into his side.

"My brothers," I said in between sobs. "They were standing in front of the school board.... They were being told that they were not graduating."

"Faith, it's alright," Joshua said soothingly. "It's okay."

I hid my face in his chest, crying deeper sobs. I had forgotten what my brothers looked like, since I never had a photograph to look at. I hadn't realized how much I missed them.

Joshua stayed hugging me until I was calm again. Having him near me made it easier to forget the dream.

"Better?" he asked, rubbing my shoulder.

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