Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

As me and Joshua walked into Mr. Clarkson’s house, we couldn’t help staring. The place was huge! It had high ceilings, carpeted floors, massive paintings on the walls. It was a beautiful change.

“Welcome back sir,” said a young woman with a friendly smile.

“Thank you Grace,” Mr. Clarkson replied, handing her his coat. “This is Joshua and Faith, the participant from Group D. Please make the feel comfortable.”

“Yes sir.”

The headmaster went into a room that was off the foyer. Grace was a tall, slender looking woman. Her brilliant blue eyes popped against her raven hair.

“You be tired and hungry after your journey,” Grace said, hanging the coat in a closet by the door. “Come and freshen up. I’ll show you to your rooms then I prepare your something to eat.”

“Thank you,” I said, letting her take my small bag of belongings.

We followed her up a staircase to a large, long hallway. There were picture frames all over the walls. Some of the frames had a pair of curtains covering them. I wondered why.

“Faith,” Grace said, entering one of the last rooms. “This will be your room. I’ve laid out some fresh, comfortable clothes in the bathroom so that you can bathe. If you need anything, just let me know.”

She walked out with Joshua. I went to the bed and ran my hand over the covers. They were so soft, and the pillows were brand new and fluffy. A smile crept across my face. I didn’t need my bag, so I left it where it was next to the bed and went to the bathroom. There was a stack of clothes on the vanity and a brand new towel hanging on the rack. I closed the door and started to run the hot water. Compared to the cold showers I was used to having at Group D, hot baths were an extreme luxury.

After my bath, I got dressed in the new clothes. I was wearing a blue and black shirt with a little, short sleeved, leather jacket thing over it. And I had on a pair of ripped, skinny jeans, with black, open-toed boots. Compared to my usual uniform, these clothes were comfy to wear. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself. I had never worn normal clothing in my entire life, but I was enjoying it. I smiled and looked at my bracelet from Lukan. I knew that he would want me to be happy and enjoy this, no matter what the outcome might be.

I came out into the hallway and met Joshua. We was wearing a blue plaid, button down, flannel shirt; a gray cardigan, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows; a pair of dark jeans and converse. His hair was wet.

“Hot water,” I said with relief and admiration.

“I know,” he said with a sigh. “Wow, you look different.”

“I know, no uniform. This is my first time wearing normal clothes.”

“Really?” he asked, his eyes grew wide. “Wow! So, do you want to go exploring around the house before we eat?”

“Are we allowed?” I asked slowly.

“We can ask.”

I nodded and followed him tot eh staircase. Grace was dusting the banister.

“I see the clothing fits,” she said, stopping her work. “I had to guess your sizes from the description Mr. Clarkson gave me. I have some cinnamon buns in the oven. They should be done in a few minutes.”

“Thank you,” I said, smiling back; it felt good smile again. “We were wondering if we could explore the house a bit.”

“I can give you a tour, if you’d like. The history of this mansion is very interesting.”

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