A Promise to the Dead

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"No" he said firmly.

I turned to Mason. "Do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

He pushed my shoulder gently. "This is my warm-up you ass" Mason said, placing the mini weights down.

I laughed and looked over to Liam who had a smile on his face. I watched as he leant back and then placed his hands on the bars. Mason came over to his side.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Liam asked, sitting up again.

"I'm spotting you" Mason replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I said I don't need one"

"Are you kidding me? This is like 300 pounds. You're gonna kill yourself" Mason said in confusion.

Liam smirked a little and then lay back down and grabbed the weight. Both Mason and I went to protest but he'd already started to bring it down to his chest. His muscles were flexing and he looked really, really hot...

Liam sat up again and faced Mason."Do I look like I need help?"

Mason shook his head and walked out of the room. "Mason!" I called after him. "Mason wait!" he just continued to walk down the hall. I sighed and debated whether I should go after him or not when I heard Liam grunting and panting.

I turned back around and ran back into the gym. The weights were crushing Liam's chest and he was struggling to breathe.

"Oh my god, Liam!" I ran over and tried my heardest to lift it up but I wasn't strong enough. I yelled out in frustration, tears brimming in my eyes.

Thankfully, my brother entered the room and lifted the weight up with ease. Why is his timing literally always on point.

Liam sat up and started gasping for breath. I moved out of the way, standing next to my brother, as Liam moved to the floor.

"Liam?" Mason said from beside me.

"I'm fine" he answered. Scott and I both knelt down next to him.

"If you don't wanna be with us, that's okay. But don't push your friends away too" Scott said. Liams eyes flickered between me, Scott and Mason.

My brother clapped a hand on Liam's shoulder and gave a brief nod towards me as he left the room.

"I'm sorry" Liam said, looking up at Mason.

"I'm gonna head to class" I sighed as I watched Mason leave. It kills me not being able to tell him what's going on. I don't want to lose him. He's the only normal friend I have.

I stood up and Liam did too. "What's going on with you?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes.

"Nothing" he avoided eye contact.

"Lier. You've been acting paranoid all morning" he looked down at his shoes. "And just in case you don't remember, you almost killed yourself five minutes ago" I snapped.

When he did eventually turn around, his eyes were glassy and his lip was trembling.

"Liam I-" As I reached my hand out to touch him, he grabbed my wrist, pushing me away. "Liam, tell me what's going on?"

"You wouldn't understand"

"I could try. I've been involved with a lot of crazy shit the past few years. Scott was in your position too, you know"

Liam shook his head and a tear slipped from his eye. His voice wobbled when he spoke. "I'm so scared"

I pulled him into a hug and we stayed like that for a minute or so until he pulled away.

Fearless » Liam DunbarKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat