Thank You!

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So I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of you who have read my story!

40k reads and 1k votes is insane.

It was kind of a yolo decision to actually post this story in the first place so it's amazing that so many of you have read it. Your comments have been so lovely and ngl I laughed so hard reading your reactions to the last few chapters.

I will be writing a sequel based on season 5 of Teen Wolf. I'm not sure when season 5 airs, I'm guessing June???

I know it's gonna be a long wait and I know I left you hanging on the green eyes thing...

But if you have any theories, be sure to comment them because I actually haven't quite decided what she's going to be yet...(don't judge me)

I hope that you all will read the sequel next year and continue to ship Lebecca because they are like otp 😉

I have one question:

What was your favourite chapter and why?

Once again, thank you for clicking 'read'

I'm gonna miss all of you. I literally didn't want to update my last chapter because I'm gonna miss writing this so much.

So until next time.

You know you love me,

xoxo Molly

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