Epilogue - Five Years Later

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to go inside and whip us up something for dinner," Gabriel said, gesturing towards the house.

"Alright, sounds good," Dean said with a nod.

"I'll letcha know when it's done," Gabriel added. Then, he looked toward where Sam was squished in the playhouse and smirked. He shook his head with fondness then went inside the house that the five of them shared together.

After they had won the battle with the angels and came to an agreement with the angelic army, everyone had been more than a little on edge. They were all scared that the angels would change their minds and that everyone would be out to hurt Lilly Grace again.

It was months before they even thought about settling down. Although they stopped hunting, they continued to live life on the road. Eventually, though Dean had to draw the line. They all kept talking about it, but they just continued to travel from motel to motel. When Dean realized that they were traveling towards the same path their father had led them down, he had to bring everyone back to reality. Dean didn't want to raise Lilly Grace on the road, so about a year after beating Naomi, they finally called it quits and found a quiet place, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The five of them ended up living together in a little farmhouse with a lot of land in a tiny, peaceful town.

Sometimes Dean missed the life and the thrill of the hunt, but then he remembered what he had now. Dean wouldn't trade his family for anything, they had become his world, and nothing else mattered. For the first time ever, Dean was living the normal, apple pie lifestyle. He Cas, Sam, and Gabriel by his side. All of them were alive, happy and healthy, and they watched after Lilly Grace together. Dean had even agreed to get a dog, which is how they'd ended up with Ginger. She had been a rescue dog that Sam and Castiel fell in love with on site.

Things hadn't always been so easy though. The last five years had been a roller-coaster of chaos and confusion. Initially, it had been difficult to keep Lilly Grace from causing mayhem and destruction. Sometimes they couldn't stop the temper tantrums soon enough and bad things happened, fires started, buildings toppled over, storms appeared out of thin air. However, Cas or Gabriel would use their mojo to put Lilly Grace to sleep for a little while or they tried to send her mental images to calm her down and make her feel better. Eventually, they had gotten the hang of things and it got easier as Lilly Grace got older. Gabriel had been right when he said that Lilly Grace understood much more than they realized.

Now, Lilly Grace had a much better grasp on her grace and the damage that it could cause. She was still a child with a lot to learn, but Lilly Grace at least understood that letting her mojo run rampant wasn't a good thing. Yes, she was still a toddler and still had temper tantrums every now and then, but she was learning and growing. She was a good child, who wanted nothing but good things in the world. Overall, they could live a mostly normal life and hadn't had any major incidents in about a year, which everyone was thankful for.

Although life hadn't turned out the way Dean had expected it to, he wouldn't trade what he had for the world. He was happy that they had been able to get the angels to yield and fold their defense. They had agreed to let Lilly Grace live and even had to keep any demons away who tried to hurt her. Because of that agreement, none of them had dealt with those pesky black-eyed bitches in years. At first, Crowley had tried to send his men after them, but the angels kept killing off the demons that came after them. When the angels threatened to kill Crowley himself, the King of Hell finally backed off and left them alone. Since then, they hadn't heard a single peep from those nasty bastards.

As the years passed by, Dean's angel's mojo never really wore off, though he never really needed it or used it. At home, he was able to use it freely as needed, but he had to be careful out in public, not wanting anyone to start snooping around or asking questions. However, he mostly used his mojo to help keep the Impala in a decent running condition. It was hard to get parts for a car that was over 50 years old. Sometimes he just needed a bit of angelic power to make new parts or repair something when it got a leak. If he had still been a hunter, Dean's powers could have taken him far, but in this life, there really wasn't much use for them (though they are pretty fun in the bedroom if you catch my drift).

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