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What is my purpose?
Is a question that I don't asked myself that often but has wondered so many times.
What is the reason that I'm here ?
What is the things that i need to do? What do i need to sirve?
Many questions that we still can't figure out but we try our bests every day to get the answer.

We all have a purpose in this life and it's up to each individual to figure it out. To figure why they are in this life, why the position or why the circumstances.
We all have a purpose as we arrive in this life. We have a mission to serve, learn and pass it on to others.
We have a purpose to enlighten inspire and bring happiness to someone's life and our own life.
Think about it this way. When a kid is born every body is happy because a new life a new person has arrived into this world and into their life.
But it is sad when someone leave. But what we don't realize is that this person in some way or somehow has served his purpose.
But again who is sure that everyone that has left this world has sirve their purpose? Is not guaranteed that every person that has arrived in this world and then left, has served their purpose. The reason why they was here.
I like to believe that somehow they did
And I like to believe that this is the way it meant to be.

Like i said before in some way we affect others life with the decisions we make and the things we say. They can either inspire or change somebody's life. Be there for that one person that has struggled for so long
Be there for those who has been bullied
Be there for all of those who are lost
In some way we inspire others with the things we do
Because our vision makes it more easier for someone to follow us. To follow the way we think and support us in our mission.
Understanding someone's vision takes time. But the intention behind it is what counts. Because it has his purpose.

The unknown Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant