Get to know me 💚

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Hey my name is Kay , I am 23 years old . I own my own clothing brand . I live in New York City I am in College NYU to be exact . So as you can see I am Really a busy person. I have two sisters Asia and Milan . Asia is older and Milan is the youngest .

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we didn't have a hard life growing up

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we didn't have a hard life growing up . My mom is doctor and my father is a drug lord . The biggest drug lord in New York . Him and my mom been married a little over 20 years. Asia is 24 we are 11 months apart so my parents didn't waste no time when they had me . Milan is 15 she's a brat .

I don't live with my parents , I have a small condo with a beautiful view

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I don't live with my parents , I have a small condo with a beautiful view . I live by myself with my puppy Fendi .

Here's when the story beginning

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Here's when the story beginning ....

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