"You don't get to do that Harry! You don't get to run away from me every time you don't want to face me! If you let me explain I would have told you I wasn't with Mason, because Mason is gay! I'm still in love with you, I always have been! I wear the rings because I can't take them off because taking them off mean's I'd have to let you go, and I can't do that! What you saw yesterday was the result of me crying myself to sleep over you, like I've done numerous times over the last four months, and Mason comforting me. Don't you dare belittle how i've been feeling. You are the one that has no idea how miserable I have been! You know what? I can't do this with you! If your intention was to break my heart more than you ever have, then congratulations! You succeeded!" I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I lifted my dress again and fled from the balcony as fast as I could, leaving Harry standing there with the same gob smacked look he had on the second I told him I still loved him.

I made my way back inside, and thankfully the lights were off and everyone was engaged in the opening performance on stage. I could see Angus from the door, and I made my way over to him, taking a seat between him and Mason.

"Babe are you okay?" he looked to me as I grabbed a tissue from my clutch and wiped my tear stained cheeks.

"He's an idiot!" I sniffled, then recomposed myself.

"What did my idiot of a brother say now?" Gemma reached across and grabbed my hand.

"It's really not important Gem. I think we've said all we needed to say, now I don't need to see him again after tonight!" I knew that wasn't true, but right now I wanted nothing to do with him.

"I'm going to kill him!" She shook her head, and we watched him walk past us, and over to his seat which was a little down from ours.

I wished our reunion would have worked out better, but who was I kidding? We were Harry and Jen, our relationship was never easy, why would tonight have been any different?


The awards show was surprisingly entertaining, and kept my mind off Harry most of the night. Angus and I did a great job presenting, and I even managed to plaster on a brave face for the camera's.

Angus, Gemma and Mason convinced me to come out to the after party tonight, insisting I need to let loose and throw back some shots after the rocky start to my night.

"Hey stranger!" Ashton took a seat next to me and handed me some sort of drink. At this point I didn't care what, I was already tipsy and hadn't managed to think about Harry once since being here.

"Hey Ash!" I flung an arm around his neck. I hadn't seen him in a couple of months. He didn't visit Melbourne unless he had a show or appearance, and since Summer was in Sydney for the end of the year, he spent that time off with her.

"What's been going on? You did a great job on stage!" he praised me.

"Me? What about you? You guy's killed it with that performance! Your drumming was definitely on point tonight!" I laughed at my choice of words.

"Since when do you say things like on point?" He laughed along with me.

"I'm a changed woman, what can I say?" I sculled the content of the glass, and slammed it down onto the table.

"I hope you haven't changed too much, I kind of liked the old Jen!" He nudged me, following my lead and sculling his drink.

"I've just decided to live in the moment! No more holding onto my past, from now on Jen Taylor is a changed woman! And since I'm celebrating the new me, I think that call's for another drink!" I stood up. "What are you drinking?" I asked him.

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