Chapter 1 (back in 2008)

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Jessica's PoV

Growing up in the orphanage was tough for me, especially when I needed to transfer to another high school right after my parent's death. I was suddenly ripped out, living a normal life just in a second: no friends, no family, nowhere to go.

After I finished high school, I searched for a job right away, wanting to leave the orphanage, as soon as possible. First, I found a job as a cashier in a gas station. I could save some money after a few months and finally moved into my very first apartment. I remembered how I was struggling to pay the rent every end of the month. After having some misunderstanding with my boss, who offered me a better position being his mistress, I quit. New York had enough jobs to offer. Well, they would not pay that good, but for the beginning, it wasn't bad. I jobbed as a bartender, a receptionist, and as a waitress in around New York.

At last, I ended up at Dean and David's. It was a typical day. Of course, many people came at lunchtime, ordering kinds of dishes. I needed to be fast, preparing the food, at the same time, receiving new orders. I was noticing one customer glancing at me while doing my job. It was the older woman who was now and then coming around, having a cup of ginger tea with honey. She was maybe around her 60's, sitting at the same table she always sat, drinking her tea. I didn't pay attention due to being busy. After the hungry business people finally lessen up, I could switch with Hank, who was working with me at the restaurant and started cleaning the tables.

Hank was a heavyweight person with dark brown greasy hair. He smelled like wet clothes, which were in the washing machine for days. The worst thing was that Hank had perverted preferences when it comes to me. Hank always finds excuses touching my butt, while turning around, pretending to pick up something on the floor or swiftly smelling my hair, while he passes me by. He also followed me once to my apartment, which was scary.

I noticed the older woman, still sitting there, reading her newspaper. I came closer, wanting to clean up her tea-cup. Suddenly she lowered the paper and gave me a friendly smile. As I got the tea-cup to place it on my tray, she held my arm and stopped me for a moment."Wait, ehm Jessica? Right?" she asked, looking at my name tag.

"Yes, ma'am?" I was wondering what she wanted.

"I know this might seem confusing to you, but I would like to offer you a job which could bring you out of here..." She was scanning the surroundings and ending, with an unpleasant look at Hank. "I would say, as my assistant..." Now meeting my eyes, smiling.

I was not sure what she wanted from me. "Ehm... I don't understand?"

"Oh, sweetie, you will. Just come tomorrow morning, let's say around eleven and bring your CV with you." She gave me a warm smile. I was still confused and couldn't say anything. Was she serious about this?

She was searching for her handbag and pulled out a business card. "Here, I'll expect you tomorrow at Barneys & Co., okay? Also, please ask for Mr. Barneys at the reception, they will tell you where to go, all right? I need to go back to work now..." she said, as she looked at her watch, standing up and went out. I just stood there, not moving my spot. I looked at the card she gave me. Did this happen?

"Jessica!! Where are the freaking soup boxes!!" I heard Hank shouting from the storeroom. I finally made up my mind. "Hank, keep searching!! I quit!!" I shouted back, as I threw my uniform on the table, and headed out.

While waiting at the bus stop, I took out the business card that the older woman gave me, and saw her name on it. Mrs.Williams. Wow, she was the chief of the head administration section at Barneys & Co., but she didn't look like a businesswoman.

I arrived at my apartment at around four in the afternoon. I thought over and over, if it was a good idea, to go to that Company tomorrow morning. Maybe the older woman just pranked me, and I'm going to appear on TV tomorrow. I was shaking my head. No, I don't think so. She seemed nice and was friendly. I went to the kitchen and made dinner. After washing the plates, I prepared the documents I needed for tomorrow's interview and planned to go to bed early.


The next day...

Around fifteen minutes before eleven, I arrived at Barney's & Co., looking at my watch. I was holding my folder with my CV and other essential documents in it.

After entering the building, the receptionist at the front desk explained to me how to get to the top floor where the interview is. As I headed to the elevator, I could imagine how Wall Street might be. Many people were running around, with their phones on their ears, being busy. Not giving it more attention, I entered the elevator pressing the top floor. I saw my reflection and told myself, "you can do it; it's just an interview."

Finally, I reached the top floor. It seemed for me like forever, reaching the top. I entered the office as the door opened. A Monoi-Oil-scent came straight up my nose, forcing me to close my eyes, beaming me away. I imagined, being in a hidden paradise. I opened my eyes again, continuing my way to the office. There were only two desks in that whole floor. Might be an open office or something like that. Except for the restroom, there were no other rooms on that floor. The entire top floor had huge glass windows, filling the room with enough sunlight at day time. I could imagine having a magnificent panorama view of the city at night. I looked around, searching for Mr. Barneys, but there was no one here. Maybe I should wait.

As I was making my way through the office, I saw on my left side a minibar, with different gins, whiskeys and many kinds of beverages. Besides, there was a huge leather sofa and a glass table in front of it, with a big LCD-screen. Straight ahead, there stood a dark brown wooden-desk, looking massive, and matching the leather chair which stood behind it. It seemed to be the desk of Mr. Barneys, probably.

On the other side, was another desk, just a view steps away from Mr. Barneys. It had a feminine, modern touch. Must be the desk of his assistant. It was a glass desk, which was neat and organized, with a picture of two boys on it. They were maybe around four or three years old, holding a football.

Along the wall, there were full bookshelves with different kinds of books stored in it. Some about finances, business strategies, registries of various branches of Companies around the world, geographic books, and on the lowest shelf were dusty reports of different kinds of departments. On the other bookshelf, there were some family pictures of the Barneys family. He had two sons and one daughter. She seemed the oldest of her siblings. The two grown-up men looked very handsome with their suits on. There was a picture of the woman with the two kids, I saw on the picture frame a while ago.

So that must be probably her desk. She had light brown curly hair which framed her beautiful face perfectly, giving her more charisma. She could be a supermodel and possibly having many admirers. It was nice to see that Mr. Barney also kept pictures from his family in his office.

Looking to my right, I found a newspaper lying on the floor with a picture of the woman, whom I saw on the other photos on the bookshelf. I carefully read the headline, "Sophia Barneys lost the battle!". Oh my god! My eyes widened. Sophia Barneys? She could be the daughter of Mr. Barneys. How can she be dead? On the pictures, she was looking so young and healthy. I recalled the loss of my parents and could imagine what Mr. Barneys was going through now. Suddenly I heard the elevator door open.

An older man, maybe around his 70's, was rushing to his desk, ordering me to have a seat and started right away. "You are the woman, Mrs. Williams informed me. So, you can start tomorrow morning at, let's say around eight." He handed me some documents. "Here, that's your ID and your key to your office, which is on the 16th floor. Please ask for Mrs. Williams tomorrow morning. She will give you more information and answer further questions you might have." He was collecting some papers on his desk, fixing them on one pile. "You may go now. I have some appointments to reschedule."

I felt relieved, that this wasn't a prank, but also sad at the same time, for Mr. Barney, loss. Still, he needed to appear firm and, showing no emotions, facing the situation on his own right now.

I stood up and obeyed, wanting him to have time for himself. "Thank you, sir... and my deepest condolence to you and your family..." I turned around, heading back to the elevator. I pushed the down button, and just as the doors opened, I heard Mr.Barneys whispering. "She was my princess..."

I couldn't help myself but turned around, seeing him, how he was gazing at the empty seat of the other desk. I entered the elevator and headed back home.

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