Chapter 23

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Jax exhaled deeply as he pulled the car to a stop in the garage of the Boveri house. The quiet was eerie and he could taste the tension in the air, all the house's inhabitants were wound tight like a spring; the slightest movement would set them in motion.

He heard the Keepers, those who he had asked to stay behind as he took care of loose ends, while the others returned to Italy; to report the latest events to his father undoubtedly. Jax rubbed his face as he deposited the key to the BMW on its hook.

The past two weeks had been exhausting. After spending a couple of days on bed rest, the doctor had finally given him the all clear and ever since then he had been decimating what was left of the Marino-L'ibliss family. He frowned at the bit of dried blood under his fingernails, he thought he had scrubbed himself thoroughly before leaving the warehouse where Joel was being kept captive and tortured. Little by little details of the organisation's dealings were revealed in Joel's panic and pain and tier by tier, state by state; the once feared family was crumbling. Many of the men chose death over joining his ranks which was all fine for him; they would not be particularly welcomed by his men anyways.

"Ah Jax," he looked up at Genevra's voice broke his inner musings, "I thought I smelt eau de sadisme; welcome home."

"Hi Genevra," he gave the woman a small hug, losing himself again as he watched her prepare the vegetables for dinner. The house was quiet, sad and mournful.

He hated it.

"Where is she?"

Genevra held back a smile, she had wondered how long it would be before Jax asked about his beloved. "She's on the jetty, been there since this morning," she murmured.

Jax looked out and sure enough, he could see a small silhouette outside facing the ocean as the wind tossed her hair up without a care. Jax raised an eyebrow, today must have been a bad day if even Genevra was keeping an eye on her as she worked in the kitchen. Jax sighed and walked out.

Evan and Naveen stepped out of their hiding places as Jax neared, both men sporting a good tan. All the men had volunteered to keep an eye on her, making a shift system but Evan and Naveen hardly left her alone. Scott and Emilio inclined their heads in acknowledgement but their eyes never left the woman on the edge as a light flashed out on the ocean, signalling Rex's.

"How is she?" Jax looked at the living statue that was his woman.

"Still relying on Genvera for most things but she came out here on her own," Evan's voice betrayed his fear and sadness at the loss of his best friend.

"Has she spoken?"

"Not a word," Naveen answered mournfully, "she doesn't react when we talk to her, when Genvera touches her." They looked out at the woman in question. "She's gone, isn't she?"

"Not gone," Jax said, remembering the conversation he had with the psychologist and therapist, "just lost."

The men stepped back as Jax walked over to her, giving the couple their privacy. Alianna did not react as he draped the blanket he had swiped off the couch over her. She was freezing as she stood in the unrelenting wind.

"Hello my rose," Jax murmured in her ear, he did not expect a verbal response but he felt her relax a little into his embrace. "I'm almost done wrapping things up. Just a little while longer."

They stood there, bathed in the sunset but neither of them basked in its beauty. Dinner was a silent affair as well but there was a near audible sigh of relief in the house as Alianna started to eat on her own, curled up in Jax's lap. Jax sighed as he stepped out of the shower, stopping in his tracks as he saw Alianna sitting cross legged in the centre of their bed. He raised an eyebrow as he headed towards the closet, half amused that she was unfazed by the sight of him in his towel; half amazed that she ventured into their room after spending so much time in her old one.

"Have you killed Joel?"

Jax looked at her as he sat down in front of her, not surprised at her first words to him. "Not yet, he still has some fingers and toes and valuable information."

"Can I see him?"

Jax contemplated his answer, "Only if I am in there with you."


Jax cupped her cheek, "Alianna," he breathed when she did not look at him. Instead, he followed her gaze to her lap. Nestled in a box was her knife, Rex had collected and cleaned it before returning and while it never left Alianna's sight, the box remained unopen.

"You shouldn't call me that anymore," she murmured, "Alianna was an alias. A name for a killer."

"Alianna is more than a killer," Jax murmured, taking her hands in his. "You made yourself more than that."

Alianna swallowed audibly as she placed the knife into Jax's lap. "Take it," she choked out. "I'm done. No more. I never want to see this again."

His chest hurt but he stood and added the knife to the concealed armoury he had in the room. He pulled Alianna into his lap and pressed his lips to her forehead as her body wracked in silent sobs.

He knew exactly what weighed on her mind. Letting of her weapon was letting go of the last piece of herself. Who was she now that she had no more blood to shed?

Who was Alianna? 

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