Chapter 17

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It was quiet, too quiet.

Alianna walked around the warehouse, analysing every member of Jax's family as they trained. Training had gone smoothly for the past two weeks and that put Alianna on edge. She did not confide her fears to Jax but the silence from the opposing side worried her.

"Hit harder," she said quietly as she observed Patrick and his partner wrestling, "you're training for the real thing; just don't kill your fellow men."

Her calm, quiet instructions scared the men more than Joel's bellows and the latter man particularly did not like the shift in power at the warehouse to a woman but he held his tongue as he sat in the ground office. Jax always ensured that he, Rex or Evan was always at the warehouse when Alianna was there, not that they doubted her ability to protect herself, but to provide backup in case a mutiny did break out.

The hair on the back of her neck rose, causing her to turn around and meet the pair of eyes focused on her. Jax had stepped out of his office for his cigar break. She raised an eyebrow as he smirked and exhaled slowly. Alianna rolled her eyes playfully and turned her back to him; she was busy, if he wanted her attention; he had to come get it himself.

Jax growled lowly at her dismissal but he walked down the stairs, ready to play Alianna's game. She looked over her shoulder, smirking as she spied Jax talking to his men as he ever so slowly made his way to her. She grinned and moved further into the mass of bodies giving tips and keeping an eye on Jax along the way. Jax smirked as he stalked her, unsure of who was the predator and who was the prey.

This game of cat and mouse continued as Alianna made her rounds. Jax's patience was slowly wearing thin as he was blocked by men with questions every time he got close to her, causing him to wonder if their concerns were valid or if Alianna put them up to it.

Alianna smirked as she slid into a hidden corner of the warehouse. She was soon enveloped by the scent of Jax's cologne as two arms boxed her in on either side. Jax lowered his head to meet her eye to eye. Alianna looked at him smugly, her message conveyed loud and clear; he did not catch her, she wanted to be caught.

"Hello my rose," Jax murmured, his fingers leaving the softest of touches as he traced her jawline before tilting her head up, "enjoying yourself?"

Alianna chuckled lightly, "Yes, both training your men and playing with you entertained me."

Jax smiled and stepped closer, her body moulded to his as their lips met in the softest of kisses. Alianna smiled slightly as she pulled back to look at him. While he did not show her much affection in front of his men, being in the warehouse revealed a different side of Jax, one that was dangerous but she loved danger.

Jax brushed some of her hair aside with his finger, "I am glad that I could be a source of amusement, but those services do not come without a price my darling."

Alianna bit her lip before leaning in to whisper in his ear, "Name your price, I am all too willing to pay it." Her lips travelled to his neck as his grip tightened on her waist, to create a reminder that two could play his game but her plans were interrupted by the sound of the warehouse alarm.

Jax pulled Alianna closer to him immediately as she jumped and they instinctively reached for their guns as they stepped out of their hideaway.

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