30: ill see you soon

35 0 0

"Y/n's flight has been rescheduled to tomorrow at 1:50"
"mom, chill out. I'll be at Colorado sate sooner, I'll be able to probably get a apartment"
"Y/n's in good hands, but since she's not of age yet, she needs someone who is 18 or older"
"Me and her father have to take care of her brother here. Do you know anyone older?"
"Actually I do"

I got my phone and called Namjoon.

"Hey b-Namjoon, I need a favor"
"Hey babe, whatcha need?"
"I need a person 18 or older to come with me to Colorado"
"So, you want me to come with you?"
"Yeah, can you?"
"No problem! I just need to pack my bag and are we getting a hotel or apartment or a house?"
"We're getting a apartment"

I hung up and I answered my teacher and mom.

"Namjoon is coming with me, he's 18"
"Great, you two are meeting me at 12:50 tomorrow, ok?"
"Yeah, I just need to tell everyone what's going on"
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow miss Min"
"Actually it's Davis"

My teacher and I told Taehyung what happened.

"So, I'm leaving tomorrow"
"Oh, that's great"
"Not really I was hoping I would be able to hang out with you up until I left"
"Well you are, and going to that college is what you want, right?"
"Of course, but I won't be able to see you until I graduate"
"I know, but you have to do it!"
"I will, and I promise when I graduate I'll come to see you again"

I hugged him while I was crying a little bit, then he got a text.

"It's from my mom, I'll see you......I don't know when I'll see you again"
"I'll see you tomorrow before I leave, I'm leaving at 12:50, So right after dance class"
"So I'll see you at dance class?"

I kissed his cheek and he grabbed his backpack and left.
I'm going to miss him, all of the boys in general.
I texted all of the boys before I couldn't get the chance to tomorrow.

Ma bois

Me: Hey guys, I wanted to text you before I left tomorrow,
My flight got rescheduled
Jm: NOOOO!!😭😭😭
Jin: wow, she's graduating high school before me😑😑
But really, congratulations Y/n!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Rm: yeah, and I have to go with her
Jin: no, you can't
Rm: why not?🥺
Jin: remember the "thing" we have to do and how it takes 5 years?🎵🎶🎤
Rm: OH, right. So sorry ace but I can't do it
Me: WHY NOT?!😭😭🥺🥺
Jk: it's a thing all of us have to do, I'm so sorry
Jh: well, I'm happy for you
V: me too😁😁
Me: well, don't count on me coming back to see you guys next summer.
And I was going to tell you I was thinking on finishing high school before
I went to college but now I just want to leave, I'll see yoongi on my birthday. Bye
V, Jimin, jhope, and jungkook are the only ones allowed to call or text me.

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