26: the hangout

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Dance class finally ended and I walked to lunch with Jackson.
I got my phone out of my pocket, going to put my backpack in my locker along with my books from math class, when I got a text from Jin

💝pink princess💝

Hey Y/n, I don't think I'll be
able to hangout with you

Why not?🥺

I'm gonna hang out with Irene

Oh, that's fine😊


Yeah, she seems nice

Yeah, she really is interesting,
I want to know her more

The blooming relationship


"She really is interesting"?
That's a sign you want to
know her more than you
already know and you
probably like her

I'll see ya later

(That's how I say bye to my bestie)

I sat at the lunch table waiting for Jackson and chanyeol, but then RM and jimin came up to me.

"Hey guys, what's up?"
"You've been acting weird"
"No, I'm always weird"
"No, taehyung's always weird, you're acting out of the ordinary"
"Please, y/n, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong is that I'm alone! You don't know how it feels!"
"Yes we-"

I jumped out of my seat and I ran to the girls bathroom, while everyone heard and saw my argument with Rm and Jimin.

Then I heard three girls enter the bathroom while I was in one of the stalls, I sat there quietly and listened to their conversation.

"She's such a slut, kissing Tae Tae in front of her ex, and they just broke up!"
"Yeah, she needs to back up"
"I agree, let's hope she doesn't steal jungkookie!"
"I think she stole every boy in bts with her body, I bet she's pregnant"

I came out of the stall with my arms crossed looking at the girls.

"Number one bitches, I've only dated one fucking guy, bet that's 10 less than what you've dated.
And number fucking two, taehyung wanted the kiss. Ask him. And I fucking took down IU, so I guess shut your pie whole before you get your ass beat"
"No thanks, sorry Min Y/n, this will never happen again"
"Get lost"

They ran out of the bathroom right after I finished my sentence, they ran as fast as I did in wolf form.
Then not long after I left after them.

I walked to class not talking nor smiling at anyone, and I had the next class which was language arts with V and jungkook, I waiting outside the door waiting for the teacher and V and jungkook to enter, just so I wouldn't be alone, but since I was early because i got to the class before the bell rang, I started doing my homework, it was only 1 page so I finished it all and then the bell rang.
I stood up while packing my notebook and folder in my backpack then I walked to my locker, put my backpack in there, and grabbed my language arts book, notebook, folder, and two pencils.
(At my school we have a locker in every class)
I sat at my desk waiting for my partner to show up, but then the late bell rang and the teacher walked into the room, making him late.
I raised my hand, waiting for the teacher to respond to me.

"Where is Dominic?"
"He transferred to another school, and since we have a new student, I thought I'd partner you up with him"


Oof, you don't know da drama that's headed your way, have fun😏😂🤣

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