Part 12 열두

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Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung talked for the whole day. It was around 5pm now and Jin and Jimin both said that they were hungry and going to get something to eat. They wanted Taehyung to go with them, but he declined saying he wasn't hungry. They knew Tae should have eaten, but they didn't want to argue with him. While they were talking the other boys were in a meeting, Hoseok had woken up and said he was fine, so he went to the meeting as well. Jungkook told him that after this meeting, he would need to take a rest, and gave him a week off. Jimin texted Yoongi saying that him and Jin were hungry. Yoongi told him that him and Namjoon were done with the meeting and heading that way. Jungkook had also come, expecting Taehyung to also be there. Jin explained how he wasn't hungry and was back in the room. The 4 went out to dinner together, and Jungkook was heading back up to his room to make Taehyung eat.
Taehyung POV:
Jin and Jimin has left about 15 minutes ago. I didn't want to go with them because I wasn't hungry, I know I should have been, I hadn't eaten anything that day. But I was not hungry at all, well maybe a little. After another 5 minutes of me just playing on my phone Jungkook walked in.
"Sweetheart you have to eat," Jungkook said in a pleading voice. "Please, for me?" Jungkook nearly begged. He looked upset. I felt bad, I wanted to eat, not because I was hungry but because I didn't want Jungkook to be upset.
"Fine, I will eat something. Just don't be mad at me." I told him. His eyes softened almost immediately.
"Baby boy I could never be mad at you, I just don't want to see you get hurt." He told me. I hugged, and kissed him. It was a passionate and loving kiss, after a little while I let pulled back, needing air. "Why don't we get to know each other a little more, while the cooks cook us food?" Jungkook asked me and I nodded. I was blushing really badly after that kiss.
Jungkook's POV:
I had texted someone to bring me and Tae food, they said it would be an hour. I thought I should get to know my baby boy a little bit more. I asked him if we should get to know each other better and he agreed. "Okay how about I can ask you any question and you have to answer and the same goes for you?" I asked him and he nodded mumbling and okay. "Do you like it when I call you pet names, like baby boy?" I asked him and he started to blush and nod his head. "Baby I want words," I told him and he blushed even more, which looked so cute on him.
"Yes, I like when you call me those names." He told me and I smiled. "Okay my turn. Any names that you liked to be called?" He asked me and I smirked. "Well my name is Jungkook but I don't mind being called Kook or Kookie. But you baby boy can call me daddy or oppa." I told him, he looked down obviously embarrassed, which I thought was adorable.
"Which one do you want me to call you most?" He asked. I thought about it for a second.
"Anything you want but when we're alone you can call me daddy," I told him and he whispered and okay. "Baby boy I'm kidding you can call me whatever you want," I told him which caused him to look up at me, I kissed his lips lightly and pulled back so I could ask him more questions.
"Alright while we are on the topic of kink type things, what are yours?" I asked him. He looked down.
"I don't know, I haven't had sex before." He whispered. I was surprised. He is 17 but still, I thought that someone would have done it with him before. But I smiled and said, " that's okay baby boy, just tell me some things you like. Things that make you feel good." I told him.
"Jimin talked about it once with me. He said I'm more submissive. He said that I would probably like bondage. I also really like your tattoos and when you feed me." He told me looking down. I took his chin under my fingers and made him look me in the eyes.
"What about you?" He asked me and I smiled. "Well I am the dominate one. I have many but I like bondage, pet names, blindfolding, and small body types, but you need to be bigger," I told him. "But don't think you have to do anything you don't want to," I explained to him and he nodded. As soon as I finished talking, I heard knocks on the door. I went over to the door and there were 2 plates of shrimp, rice, and some veggies along with 2 bottles of water. I walked the tray over to the bed and sat down. A few seconds Tae climbed on top of me and a began feeding him. He ate a little less than half the shrimp and rice, but didn't want any veggies which caused me to giggle a little. He said he was full, he ate a good amount so I let him be. He got off of me and turned the tv, turning on Vampire Diaries and became immersed in that. I ate my plate and the rest of his. I put the plate right out side of the door, and the two water bottles at the end table. I walked back over to the bed and payed down, a few seconds later Tae was there cuddling into my side. "Baby you wanna go shopping tomorrow?" I asked him and he shot up and smiled.
"Yes yes please!" He nearly screamed which caused me to smile. "Alright we can go shopping tomorrow, now let's go to bed." He nodded and lasted back down, not long after he fell asleep and I stared at his sleeping face for a couple minutes before letting sleep consume me.

Okay I know this chapter was kinda boring, sorry next chapter will be better, I hope😂

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Love you 사랑해요 MWAH


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