Part 1 하나

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"Kim Taehyung! Get your fat ass down here." Taehyungs father yelled. Taehyung arose from his bed with frightened eyes, he quickly ran down stairs to see what was wrong. When he was downstairs he was met with the sight of four large men in suits that were all wearing the same evil smirk on their face. 

"Y-Yes father" Taehyung quietly shuddered out. His mind was running a hundred miles an hour, scared what his father was going to do. His mind quickly got back to reality when his hair was being grabbed by his fathers large hands. Taehyung winced from the pain his head was feeling. 

"These nice men are going to take you away, I owed some money, and it looks like you are worth something so, I guess you could say that I sold you," His father ended with a creepy laugh. Taehyung let a tear fall from his eyes, but before another one could fall, his nose and mouth were being covered by a cloth, and soon he drifted off to sleep. 

Taehyung woke up and winced from the pain that he was feeling,  he had a massive headache and he was feeling really weak, but then again when did he not. He heard a giggle from the corner, but not just a light hearted giggle, it had evil laced in it. 

"Oh look your finally awake, doll, I am going to have so much fun with you," The man said. Taehyung tried to get up but was stopped when he realized that he was chained to the table, he was shaking from fear. "Oh are you scared? I wont hurt you," He said which made Taehyung feel a little better. "Badly," He continued and Taehyung started shaking again. 

"P-Please don't hurt m-me," Taehyung pleaded. The man finally walking into the light, Taehyung looked at the man, he wasn't ugly but he also was not Taehyung's type. The man looked like he was in his late 30's. The man smirked at the shaking boy. 

"Oh... look at you, I have full power over you. Don't worry the pain will only be for a little while then you will feel good," The man whispered into his ear. Taehyung being the innocent soul, it took him a minute to realize what the man had meant, and he started to whimper. 

"P-Please don't," He pleaded with tears in his eyes. The older man ignored his plea and ripped Taehyung's shirt off, revealing little scars and some bruises, left there as gifts from his father. The man was about to take the shaking boys pants when a loud bang stopped him. 

"Stay right there and don't make a sound," The man spoke with anger laced in ever word. Taehyung slowly nodded. Taehyung was tied and where would he go? He thought but quickly dismissed his thoughts when... 

( Im Sorry don't kill me ;) 

Jungkook's POV:   

"Kook we got another sick bastard," Namjoon yells to me. I walked down the stairs awaiting for Namjoon Hyung to continue, as he is the brains of us. 

"Alright what do they do?" I ask

"He goes by Mr. Park, he buys young me, rapes them, and usually let's them starve to death, and he just bought a young 17 year old boy." Namjoon Hyung explains. "Are goal is to save the young boy, and capture Park, and I guess let you decide the rest." He explains and my blood starts to boil, I don't like when people bring innocent people into the gang world. "Everyone knows what to do, you can learn the plan in the car, but we need to go before it is too late." I nod my head, run outside and get into one of the cars. Hobi Hyung fills me in on the plan. We arrive to a nice house."The boy is in the basement, Jungkook you get the boy, me and Hoseok will deal with everything else." Yoongi Hyung whispers to me, and I nod my head. Namjoon stayed in the car, he tells me where the basement is through my ear piece. Once I get there, a small silver haired boy is tied to a table, and an old man is reaching over him to take his pants off. I stop and look at the boy, he is beautiful, I am broken from my thought when a loud bang is heard and Namjoon yells through my ear piece.

"Jungkook Now," I quickly snap back into reality and jump down into the basement, the boy looks at me with fear filled eyes. 

"Look, I know you have been through a lot but I'm not going to hurt you, i'm going to get you out of here. Can I rip these off?" I asked pointing to his chains and he nods slowly. I quickly and swiftly rip the cuffs off of the poor boy. I pick him up and he instinctively wraps his legs around my waist and wraps  his arms around my neck , and I place both hands on his upper thighs. I could feel him shaking from fear, I just whispered soothing words into his ear until the worn out boy slowly drifted off to sleep.  

A/Alright Thank You guys for reading!!! Don't forget to comment and vote, don't be a silent reader! Anyway the next chapter is coming soon and it will definitely be good!

Love you MWAH bye <3

Also sorry, not sorry for the mistakes ;)

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