Part 3 세 개의

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"I'm nice to you because you deserve it," Jungkook whispered in my ear. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head into his neck, smelling his lovely scent of his cologne. He walked us back over to the bed and sat us down, before he could say anything a knock was heard at the door, he walked over and opened it. 

"Mr. Jeon here are the clothes you asked for, and then I also brought you two water bottles incase you got thirsty throughout the night," The lady outside of the door said ending with a bow. 

"Thankyou Noona, go rest, you have been working all day," Jungkook said while bowing back and ended with a smile. 

"Thankyou Jungkook- shi" She says bowing and smiling. 

"Jungkook- ah" Jungkook corrects her, and shakes her head and smiles before walking off. Jungkook comes back completely into the room and shuts the door. He walks over to the bed and quietly asks "Can I change you?" I look into his eyes and slowly nod and move closer to him. He slowly takes my shirt off and before now I hadn't even noticed that my shirt had dried blood on it and some dirt, from yesterdays experience. He slips on me a very large shirt, it goes down to my thigh, and takes of my dirty sweatpants. After he is done changing me he gets up off the bed and changes into a new shirt and sweatpants. He lays down on the bed and pulls me on top of him, one hand rests on my thigh and the other is on my waist. Before I could think about anything else sleep consumed me. 

I woke up, I felt my surroundings before opening my eyes. I was on a cold and hard surface I felt a wet liquid dripping down my head. I open my eyes and touch the liquid on my head and look at it. It was dark and I could only see the faint color of red on my fingers. I feel my head and then I get a sharp pain when I touched where the blood was coming from, and I wince from the pain. 

"H-hello is anyone t-there? I say. My mind is running a hundred miles and hour. What happened? Where did Jungkook go? Those questions and many more are running through my mind. A man came into the room I was in, and turned on a light in the room, the light was very dim but It was just bright enough for me to see who walked into room.

"F-father," I stuttered out, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't know what he was planning on doing. 

"I'm not the only one here you bitch," Confused of what he said I tilt my head. Then the man that tried to touch me before Jungkook saved me stepped into the room. I started having a panic attack, this time I know he was going to rape me . 

"aww is my little slut scared?" The man said. I started to whimper. He walked towards me, and my father walked out of the room. 

"Alright Mr. Park that bitch is all yours, nice doing business with you" The man that I know knew as Mr. Park walked up to me a ripped off my shirt, and started to leave kisses down my chest, and biting my chest. I winced when he bit me hard causing the skin to break. He mouth was right at the band of the sweatpants I was wearing, and slowly took them off. 

"P-please stop," I said raising my voice. His face changed and his eyes looked a couple shades darker, he was mad. He grabbed my chin and held it tight.

"Now doll, what you are not going to do it raise your voice at me, do you understand?" He said with venom laced in every word. I nodded slowly, and he slapped me across the face, I screamed as my face as now stinging from the sudden impact of the hand. He went to take my boxers off and I closed my eyes. 

"Taehyung, Taehyung," I heard my name and I was confused, it was not Mr. Parks voice, 

"Jungkook?" I said and I opened my eyes and I was back in Jungkook's room. He looked at me with worried eyes and I hugged him and sat on his lap, I was shaking and crying from fear. 

"Tae baby, what's wrong?" He asked me while rubbing small circles on my back, where his hand now rested. The large shirt that I was wearing had now risen up, and Jungkook was rubbing my bare skin. 

"The m-man, the one that y-you saved me from. H-he took me away, and he was about to r-rape me," I said with tears in my eyes. "P-please don't let h-him take me again," I begged looking in his eyes. He nodded slowly. 

"I won't let anyone take you away from me, ever." He said in a comforting tone. I nodded and put my head back into his chest.

I know that I don't really know Jungkook, but he makes me feel safe and happy. I don't want to ever leave his arms. I know that I meet him, but I think I really like him. 

"Tae baby, why don't we try to get some more sleep, it's only 3am, okay?" He said, and I took my head out of  his chest, looked at him then nodded. We laid back into bed, I faced his chest, and he had his arms around my small frame. I took in his scent, before letting sleep consume me.

Alright that was an intense chapter. How many of you knew it was a dream?

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment, don't be a silent reader 

 사랑해요       <3 

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