" Sir before I go ..."

" Yes , Wallace ?" I snapped .

" I met this girl today. She seemed to get along with Avery really well."

" And why exactly should I care about this information?"

" I just thought that with the other nannies gone, you could use a new one. Avery seemed to really like her."

I leaned forward , resting my arms on my desk and linking my fingers together. " Wallace."

" Yes sir."

" So you met some random girl on the street of New York and you expect me to hire her as a nanny for my kids?"

" No sir." He began shaking his head, " But I just thought..."

"Well you thought wrong." I cut him off. "I'm not going to hire some fucking stranger to look after my children."

I closed my eyes for a second, exhaling before I looked over to Avery's side. I was mainly concerned with whether she heard me use a curse word or not. She focused on what she was coloring so hard like she was trying to figure out how to find a lost island on a map. So, she definitely didn't hear me. 

" I'm not going to hire a stranger to take of my kids." I paraphrased my words to Wallace. " Besides, I already had Rachael call the Nanny Service . They should be ready with a new Nanny for me by tomorrow."

" Oh alright sir. My bad. I'll take my leave now." Wallace bowed before leaving.

I continued inspecting the files like I was doing earlier when another knock I heard another knock on my door.

I groaned.

Why won't everybody leave me alone and let me do some damn work ?!

The knock came in again. " Logan, it's me Rachael."

Oh Rachael.

" Come in."

She let her self in with her access card.

" Sorry to disturb but the product designers just sent these in."

Rachael was my personal assistant who start working for this company a year ago. She was also my only friend in this company. I don't usually let people in due to how untrustworthy human beings are but with Rachael, we clicked instantly and surprisingly too. There were very few people who I let in to my personal life and she was one of them. Our relationship is pretty simple. Business isn't mixed with friendship. I still treat her like I treat my other staff and expect her to deliver her tasks efficiently but she has special privileges like one ; occasionally prying into my private life . Two; attending dinners in my house so much that my kids know her .

" Aunty Rachael!" Avery squealed.

" Avery? What are you doing here cutie?" She dropped the Ross pad she was holding on the table and went over to pick up Avery who stretched out her hand for Rachael to carry her.

And three ; leaving the actual job she came into my office to do , to carry daughter up.

" I came from play group at the park."

" Aw that's lovely. I love your hair too. The pig tails are so pretty ."

" Thank you." Avery blushed. " Aunty Greta made them for me."

She was talking about the fact that Greta , my cook doubled as a nanny for my kids this morning as she got them ready for school as well as prepared breakfast. Of course, I was paying her double for the trouble.

His Nanny { Rewriting }Where stories live. Discover now