Chapter 15

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Harry's POV
I decided to take a nap while Rylee was getting x-rayed and tested. I'm so glad this place specializes with borrowers. Those people do experiments on them make me sick because they don't see them as people. I finally fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up outside in a field on a sunny afternoon all confused. "Where am I? Where's Rylee?" I asked feeling worried. I then felt something against my chest moving in my pocket. "I'm right here." I then see my little Rylee pop out of my pocket with a cute smile on her face. "There you are, little cutie." I said as I gently took her out of my pocket. She decided to snuggle in the palm of my hand, which I still found adorable. She was also wearing a cute little purple dress which fit her so well. But I love everything she wears because she is just so cute. "I'm so glad you're here. I've been so worried about you." I said as I brought her into a hug. She then looked up at me with a sad look on her face. "That's because I've been in pain but there's a reason for it." I looked Rylee confused. "I've never had any real friends before I met you. I've been so lonely my whole life. Everyone I've known has either used me, abused me, or just ignored me. That left me nothing but heartbreak. You're the first person that truly loves me for who I am. It was the first time I felt real happiness. Thank you so much, Harry." I felt tears come out of my eyes after hearing more about Rylee's past. I'm so happy she appreciates everything I'm doing for her. "Oh, Rylee. My dear, sweet little Rylee. I'm so glad that you think of me as a hero. You don't deserve to live with heartbreak. That's why you have me because I love you very much." I felt her hug my thumb as she teared up. I gave her a gentle kiss. I laid back down and blacked out
*end of dream*

I woke from an amazing dream that made me realize why Rylee is in so much pain. All that heartbreak bunched up and gave her a stomach ache. I really hope they give her something to make her feel better but I had high hopes for Rylee. She may be scared but she's very brave. I continued to wait patiently until Rylee comes out feeling like her cute little happy self.

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