Chapter 14

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Author's note
Sorry it took too long. I've been going through a lot. I'm doing a whole lot better. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

Rylee's POV
I'm really nervous about hearing what might be bothering me. I took a deep breath, got changed, and went back out to Harry and nurse Amelia to get me tested. "You ready, Rylee?" Asked Amelia. I nodded nervously as I went up to Harry.

Harry's POV
I watched Rylee as she approached me. I could definitely tell the she was nervous, so I gently scooped her into my palm and brought her in for a hug.  "It'll be ok, baby. They're going to run a few tests and it'll be over before you know it." I said to her very calmly. I could feel her shaking. I decided to sing Little Wonders by Rob Thomas to calm her down. She stopped shaking after about a minute. I felt good that I calmed her down. I handed her over to Amelia so she can take her over to get tested. "Take good care of her. I hope she'll be ok." I said. "Don't worry. We'll make sure she'll be ok." She told me.

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