Part 9

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Part 9

The loud whistle could be heard from anywhere in Tineen. The sounds differing in length and volume as the one making the sounds looked out over the kingdom. The distant sounds of a violent roar making him smirk as he realized that things were going exactly as planned.

"Kirishima's got the message." Bakugou muttered, looking towards his allies. "And you idiots know what to do, right?"

Kaminari nodded. "Hell yeah! I'm going to give Kiri some backup!"

Ashido held up her hand, a thick ooze coming from her fingers. "I'll set up lots of traps for the assassins... only as a slime could."

She winked, nearly sending some of the acid off her fingers and near the five of you hiding in the brush. She laughed awkwardly as Kaminari glared at her for nearly ruining his nice boots.

"And I'll be trying to help the injured, elderly, and children into a safe spot." Jirou muttered. "Can't believe you're giving me this job..."

"You're a half-pixie." Ashido muttered. "You're good at hiding and making sure things are not seen."

Jirou sighed, a bit upset she won't be taking on a fighting role like the others... but she knew what her skills and magic were good for. And thus she'd do her best in this situation.

"And I'm coming with you." You spoke to Bakugou. "I'll get the weapon away from whoever is doing this and make sure to reverse whatever it's done."

Bakugou didn't acknowledge you, showing that he was still angry at the words you had spoken to him last night. You couldn't care though... he'd have to accept them soon enough. Nothing was going to change your mind... as this was for the best.

"Let's go then, and don't get killed." Bakugou ordered, taking off towards town before anyone could process anything.

You followed him, paying close attention to his movements, as well as the surroundings. While you were not in any real danger... you'd prefer to not have your form destroyed, as it took a lot of magic to restore your physical appearance.

"Bakugou." You spoke to him. "The object is a super magically charged weapon that runs on fear."

He snorted. "You think I'm afraid?"

"No. But I think you're people are." You continued on. "Meaning that whoever is currently in control of it can make any fear come true. So don't underestimate the power of it."

"Yeah yeah, I get it..." He grumbled. "What does this thing look like any-"

He paused, causing you to stop as well. Off in the distance, looking directly towards the both of you stood a man. His white hair covering much of his face, but not as much as the hand that was attached to it. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at the both of you.

"Bakugou Katsuki... and a girl." He muttered, pulling off a small golden birdcage from his side. "Strange... I could have sworn that crazed girl said she got rid of you..."

"You." Bakugou growled. "You're the one who did this... aren't you?!"

You watched as Bakugou started to move forward, his footsteps thundering as he approached the male. It was only when your eyes wandered to the white-haired male that you saw him slowly opening the cage's door.

His lips coming close to it as he started to speak to Bakugou once more.

"I assume Ophelia managed to save you from death... she must have taken a great liking to you. But... seeing as Tineen is only the trial for the power that Cerius had given me... I don't want any more push back."

Memento Mori - Yin Path (Bakugou's Ending)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant