Part 7

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Part 7

The brush was overgrown for this time of year, and thus his blade was beginning to become dull from the constant swinging of his cutlass. Yet despite it, his arms didn't feel any sort of exhaustion in them... not even an ache or pain that would make the ash blonde male assume he was overexerting himself.

Rather... he felt that every movement he made, his body refused to process the energy it used and rather ignored any feelings from it. But, it wasn't to say that the male had completely lost the sense of feeling altogether. Rather, his chest still ached and his mind wandered to what he would do when he found who had done this to his home and of course how he'd enact revenge against that crazed blonde haired girl.

If anything, it felt as if he was now only able to feel from his own inner forces and emotions rather then any sort of outside force or extortion that he'd always been subjected to until now. Rather, Bakugou was sure that his body was less of a factor now then it had been before that fall.

Whatever you had done seemed to be working, as even the heat on his hands was coming back slowly but surely. The feeling of the magic inside of himself starting return as the seconds ticked by. The trees overhead and the silence the grass brought to their steps making it the perfect way for him to adjust back and for your spell to continue to work.

But he'd be lying to say he wasn't growing curious as to what you had done to him... and what exactly would happen now that it was done? The questions that had tingled his mind before were now begging to be itched and he needed the relief before he lost it even more than his fragile mind had already been put in thanks to the recent turn of events.

"We're far enough away now from town." Bakugou paused, glancing behind himself to spot you. "From the tracks Dunce Face and those chicks made... it's obvious he's not too clever when it comes to trackers."

"Are we close?" You yawned, stretching your arms above your head. "I'm getting bored..."

Bakugou's eyebrows knit together. Even after all this time he still couldn't exactly place your personality. Something about it making him attracted to it when he wasn't around you, but in your presence, it was as if two flames were fighting for control. And at this moment, his own sparks were dimming due to the conditions he was in. Meanwhile, your own fire had returned to its full glory, and thus, your more immortal qualities were starting to shine through once more.

"What the hell is your problem?" He growled, turning to you.

You rose a brow at him, seeing as this outburst was different than all the other times he had raised his voice at you. He wasn't angry at you to the extent he had been before, as this time, he seemed to be more upset and hurt than anything else. Your eyes closing momentarily for a time as you tried to process your dual set of emotions and which of the two would be the best to show.

Mortals were always so complicated... and thus, being a creation of two of their most intense emotions of love and hatred... it was hard at times to know exactly which was appropriate. Especially since you hadn't ever really interacted with a mortal for the length you had with him. A conflict in yourself seemed to cause a conflict between the pair of you before, but this time, you didn't want to create a further gap with him. This time... you'd do your best to control yourself, as there was no real excuse to act as you had before.

"Pardon my words." You sighed, running a hand through your hair and glancing off towards the endless woods. "I speak before thinking at times..."

He seemed to understand it, his own emotions having him acting the same at times. But in your case, this was much more extreme. Your entire personality was based on what he and every other mortal viewed you as. And while at the moment it seemed people were starting to believe in you and your power once more. But even so, your personality shifted little by little.

Memento Mori - Yin Path (Bakugou's Ending)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن