Part 6

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Part 6

The stars above him looked real this time. From the moment his carmine eyes opened once again and gazed at the shining dots of light above him, he could tell that these were the real deal. Nothing could capture how truly stunning the authentic stars could look.

It was by simply gazing at these that he knew he was back home. Or at least that was what he had assumed. From the ground of the ravine and seeing how it was no longer sunset, he would have guessed he had fallen from this place and ended up falling into unconsciousness.

So, was all that just happened a dream? After all... here he was. Nothing seemed out of place or broken. Maybe he really had just been pushed off and the bump that was now present on his face had made his dream of seeing you again. Maybe he really did have something on his heart and mind that needed to be settled and fast before all his dreams had become something similar.

But right now, the one thing he needed to do was get up and head back to where he had left everyone. Despite a headache he had... he had to move. But rising to his feet and moving proved rather difficult, as he couldn't move his legs or even close his hand into a fist.

He laid there still on the ground, gazing at the sky above him. Unable to move, and even his throat was swelled up to some extent. He was paralyzed it appeared, making his heart drop further into his stomach. Could the fall have fractured his spine? Was he unable to move because he had injured himself beyond repair?

His eyes blurred from the lights above him growing more and more intense. A flash of light illuminated the sky, shooting downwards and striking him. Immediately the light and its properties fixing whatever had been done before. His fingers curling and his legs instantly sending alerts of pain to him. His body was quick to report back to his brain that he was in a lot more pain then he originally assumed.

But as quickly as those thing registered, they began to die down. The injuries ceasing to cause alarm and slowly he started to sit up. His body aching from the sudden use, but much like everything else, it seemed to not stay for long. His hand flying up to his face and holding his shaking head still while he breathed. He was up... and he could move again.

The light around him had yet to fade though, and due to its illumination, his eyes were closed from its brilliance. But eventually, it did and his vision returned once the hues of red were opened to gaze at his surroundings once more.

Standing towards him, looking down at him with a gaze unreadable, but eyes looking tired was none other than the forgotten Goddess herself. No wings or strange marked eyes, however, this time seeming to wear a different disguise as a mortal then she had worn before. Rather than an outfit that would make anyone look at her and assume she was some sort of traveler from the pants and jacket, her clothing was much more simple.

A dark colored short dress with a simple ribbon on the front, underneath and covering her legs were lighter colored tights that made the dress look more like a pair of pants with the tights. The sleeves were long and covered her hands. It wasn't a fancy dress, but it also wasn't clothing made for a thief. You looked more like an adventurer... a healer if he were to class your membership (if you actually had one).

"Awe it was hard to find your soul..." You whined, leaning downwards and grumbling something else under your breath. "And trying to speed travel from Soul Enclave to here used a lot of magic..."

"It wasn't a dream then..." Bakugou muttered, rising to his feet.

They felt like jelly, still in some sort of rigor mortis it appeared. Making him wonder how long he had exactly been dead for. Your hand reached out towards him, offering him aid in learning how to use his legs again. He took it, his grip harsh and you helped him up all the way.

Memento Mori - Yin Path (Bakugou's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now