Part 3

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Part 3

You didn't know exactly where you had gone, but suddenly you knew you were back. Your mind feeling as if you had been born again, but this time, you at least knew what you existed as before it all went dark.

Your existence had been on the edge for hours it appeared, teetering between faith and forgotten. But now, for whatever reason... you could feel as if by some miracle, your own faith as you, and your existence as a Goddess had suddenly become tied together.

"Come on, moron..." A rough voice coaxed you out of the darkness.

And so, slowly and hesitantly, your eyes began to flutter open once more. Your hues of (eye color) flashing momentarily between the mortal you and the Goddess colors. Black and white to (eye color) were seen by those watching over you.

"Well it's about fucking time you woke up." Bakugou sighed, watching as you glanced around slowly.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima muttered, looking displeased with his rider. "Don't you have anything nice to say... especially since she was on the cusp of death itself?"

"She is death, moron." Bakugou spat back without a single batting of his eyes.

"Well... I'm glad to see her awake at least!" The blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair smiled. "I was worried our Goddess wouldn't make it to see her home again."

"Kaminari... and Kirishima too." You muttered, finally adjusting back to this reality. "What happened? When did you all get here?"

Behind the trio, you could spot several more figures, all talking amongst each other and then looking at you. Relief seemed to be on their faces, no doubt from you once again being conscious and moving.

"You passed out from a lack of magic... and your existence was taking a huge toll because of it." The brown-haired witch spoke, passing over some bread for you. "I'm just happy we all got here in time for me to perform a restoration spell."

"Thank you Uraraka... I guess that in my weakened state, my magic getting cut off was the next step."

You voice ceased as you struggled to stand up. Immediately, feeling your knees buckle, you prepared yourself to hit the cold and harsh ground but was instead swept up into strong arms.

"Watch it." Bakugou scolded you. "Round Face said you're a lot weaker now... so don't rush into things."

You hummed, feeling absolutely no energy left to even bring up how he looked just as bad as you felt. His usually firey eyes looking much more like a dying fire, his arms shaking from overexertion from simply being here and of course how his eyes looked bagged. Bakugou was putting up with a lot as well, and you wanted nothing more than to just hurry and go home so he and everyone here could escape home.

"I can at least walk and stand on my own." You told him. "I was just so eager to meet those who would help me..."

Bakugou huffed but released you. Before you could continue though, you noticed how something was on you that usually was not. The red cape on your shoulders making you cuddle into it slowly but surely. He was acting strangely nice... but even he must have realized how sick you were, and he must have remembered how you adored his cape. The fool was unaware of his own kind heart... you couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to get to know you all well enough like some others... but I'd like to go through and make sure everyone is here. And of course, give you my thanks." You spoke, walking past Arus' carving and instead starting at Geni.

Memento Mori - Yin Path (Bakugou's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now