Part 4

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Part 4

Walls of crimson, midnight, and silver adorned the walls, a small hearth located in the center, bringing warmth to the room as the moon started to cascade further into the sky as time ticked onwards. The throne made of metal, bone, and tree limbs was resting peacefully, elevated slightly above the other seats and cushions located in the room. Weapons adorned some of the walls, but for the most part... the room of the tribe's leader was a calm space for those who were in it.

Currently, only two figures were inside the throne room. A female who was resting among the seat that she had rightfully claimed decades ago, and the lion cub of a young male who had made his return not even an hour ago.

The woman with wild ash blonde hair glanced at her child who shared not only her untamable locks but many other things. And from how dark circles had gathered around his eyes and the usual fiery crimson hues were nothing more than a light kindling... she could tell quite easily that he had been through hell the last couple days.

"Katsuki." She rose from her seat the long red gown that was adorning her body flowing to the floor as she moved towards her only child. "I see you have returned unharmed and well. I hope the last twelve days have been good for you."

He didn't say anything, mind wandering to where he had been the last five or so days after she had vanished in front of his eyes. If he wanted to be truthful to his mother... he'd admit that he had no desire to return home. Knowing that things would fall back into place once they did.

And so... when the damn half-and-half suggested journeying to the great trading market in the East, he said he'd come along. And while many looked at him strangely, expecting the male to just go off on his way now that he wasn't obligated to stay with so many people he didn't like... he wanted to taste a bit more of life out of the mundane.

Ironically enough... once the group had arrived at the trading market located in some town that had long lost its name and was now only referred to as such... the prince of Highar had said he would be crossing over to the former land that belonged to his mother. Something about connecting with his Pilo roots... he wasn't really paying attention.

A few had gone with the Highar prince... but more than the Emir of Tineen would have liked decided to stay with him. And even now... after five straight days of being with him... the idiots decided to hitch a ride back on the shitty dragon and come to Tineen with his rider.

So, when Bakugou was ordered to meet with his mother come landing back a little outside the capital city... he knew that it could go one of two ways. But... if anything made him slightly relieved when he ventured back into the city... it was the sight of people inside of it once more.

And as he passed by a few women holding newborns, relief on their faces... his chest tightened. Time and life were flowing once more, the dam in its stream seemed to finally have been removed. And he knew who had removed it... or rather the people who had helped the Goddess remove it.

Bakugou rose a glance at his mother for the first time since his arrival back. His eyes meeting hers just in time for her to envelope her into a hug, her arms squeezing him enough for him to tell that she was showing her relief to him. Her relief that he was back home and safe.

"The last few weeks have been stressful for both of us." Mitsuki continued, wiping gently at her eyes. "I made rash decisions. You made rash decisions. But seeing now as we both have fulfilled our promises to a higher power... then I believe that we should move past our past grievances.

Therefore... your banishment is lifted. You will once more have all your freedom and privileges from before. So, allow me to say with happiness... welcome home, Katsuki."

Memento Mori - Yin Path (Bakugou's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now