12 | "Go and say YES, Sanj"

Start from the beginning

"Have you ordered?" I asked taking my seat which was unfortunately next to Reyan.

"I ordered your favorite dishes, Sanj" Reyan said again smiling. Sanj, do it. Spit it out. I thought. Soon, the food was served and I decided to start the conversation.

"Reyan, I need to talk to you" I said and he raised his head.

"Go on" he gestured with his hand and looked back into his plate. Come on.. do it. Sanj.

"I'm not interested in you" I said in one go and waited for him to react. He gave me a glance and again started eating. God!! Is he deaf?

"Reyan, are you okay?" I asked and he lifted his head.

"What? I know you are kidding so stop this right now. And let me finish this food" he said smiling. What the hell?

"I'm serious, Reyan. I'm seriously not interested in you so please don't waste your time around me. You deserve someone who is much better than me" I said and he left the spoon from his hand.

"What are you talking?.. " he asked slowly.

"Yeah, you never said you liked me but we have a lot of time right? I'm ready to wait for you, Sanjana. You are the best for me" he tried to explain me.

"No Reyan.. Please don't force me into this. I'm sorry" I said and turned to the other side as I can't face him again. I hurted him. He don't deserve this.

"Okay, bye" he said and got up from the place. He looked at me for one last time and left the place. I'm sorry Reyan. I really am.

"You broke him,Sanj" I heard Cami's voice. She told Alex to babysit Reyan. He went out and Cami jumped next to me.

"Are you happy now? You hurt him. Did you saw his last look? You broke him completely" Cami said. What should I do? I can't fake this right. I can't give up on my heart.

"What are you thinking?" Cami asked shacking me a little. I let out a deep breathe and held my head. What the hell is happening in my life? Why am I not ready to move on? Why am I hurting people? Why can't I die? Thinking about everything brought tears in my eyes.

"Hey!! what happened to you?" Cami asked feeling anxious.

"Sidharth" I said in merely audible tone. Why did I met him in the first place?

"Sidharth? Okay, what is he doing with you again? From where did he came out, Sanj?" she asked and I narrated the incidents which she was not aware off.

"Jerk!! Bastard!! How can he say like that? Sanj, tell me his address. I will go and murder him" she said gritting her teeth which brought a smile on my face.

"Listen, London is not a good placed for you. Let's go back to Hamburg. You can't stay here where that idiot stays" she said wiping my freely falling salty water.

"I'm not coming" I said and she raised her eyebrows.

"I need to take care of my father. He is the only one left for me on this planet and I'm not going to leave him alone. Moreover, he needs some one to take care of him. I know Edwin is there but I can't leave my father alone" I said and she gave me defeated look.

"Sanjana, you are destroying yourself. Your past is ruining your future. Are you getting it? Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you leave your past behind and give a fresh start?" she asked.

"I'm trying, but every time I try , it remembers me of him. It so easy to say but try it once, you will find how difficult it is. The memories will squeeze your heart, will make you cry and leaves you in pain"

"I know, I sound like a fool but it's true. Some people take few days to move on. Some may take few years but my memory is too good and I can't find a way to eliminate those things from my mind. I can't let my past go. But don't worry I will be fine because I have some people who really care for me " I said and she hugged me side ways.

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