"The one on the southside, hurry please," she said then cut the line.

Devin didn't want to call the bartender back so he just left a fifty dollar bill for the tab and left out of the restaurant since she told him to rush.

He was so nervous and excited at the same time about the situation. He was about to meet his daughter. His first daughter. Yeah, he didn't know anything about her and he only knew his only daughter as Tea, but he wanted to make things right. He wanted to make things right with his life, his wife, Tea, his family.

Devin pulled over to the park and got out, remembering the southside, the good fairly well since he use to live with his grandmothers around these parts, damn he missed her so much.

"Devin, have you lost your fucking mind? Get this jessebelle out my house right now and when you get done bring a switch and your ass to my room, now boy!" Jenny said hitting her grandson upside the head with each word, she was livid, and honestly she had the right to be.

Devin, her grandson had been caught getting his private park sucked on his room in her house with a girl that was twice his age that lived around the corner from them.

She shook her head at her grandson at the same time as he was coming into her room.

"Ma you can't be serious right now, she seduced meeeeeeee," Devin hollered the rest of 'me' once the switch was hit against every part of his body.

"I'm dead serious. Now I don't know what's going on with your ass, but you better get yourself together quick!

I have told you about these fast ass girls and your education and it don't mix! Get yourself together Devin for I have to woop your ass again!

Now granny loves you, she just doesn't want to see you follow down the wrong path, is that understood?"

"Y-yes m-ma'am," Devin stuttered.

"Now go do your damn homework and study till I tell you to stop."

Devin chuckled and jumped slightly once he heard the knock on his window.

He looked up at his passenger side window and unlocked the door for Aaliyah.

She had on a simple jogging suit with her hair straight, laying on her shoulders, with a pair of Roshe, Tenni shoes.

She closed her door and turned to Devin.

Aaliyah was preety, no lie. She had a smooth light face free of any acne with a small beauty mark under her lip with lip gloss on her lips popping her light brown eyes more.

"Soo, this is awkward," she said with a slight giggle.

Devin turned to Aaliyah and said what he had been wondering since she sent the box.

"Why did you just send the box why didn't you send it earlier?"

"I d-didn't want to complicate things."

"What the fuck do you think your doing now, Aaliyah? Is your ass dumb or stupid!"

Aaliyah slammed her hand on the dashboard.

"I'm neither Devin! She's dead! She's fucking dead!"

"What do you mean she's dead?"

"I-I," Aaliyah said coming back to reality. "It happened right after I had her, I was staying with my mother and we had just gotten back from the hospital.

I changed her diaper and laid her out on the bed, but as I was laying her down I realized she was hot, too hot. So I went to the bathroom and sat her down in the tun to cool off. After I did that, she started crying really hard and ski just took her out to discover she was still hot, but I couldn't take her too the hospital cause I didn't have a car and the hospital was too far away.

We fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning I tried to wake her but she had died. They said I had over fed her and she died because she wasn't burped. She choked on her own throw up."

She cried, Devin didn't know what to do, but he still had something to ssy.

"Why didn't you burp her?"

"Because I didn't know I was suppose too! She was my first baby, I was twenty five, I was young and dumb but I don't need you sitting here throwing me under the bus about it. I already feel bad as it is so don't try to come at me like you even spent any amount of time with her!" Aaliyah said about to get out the car, but Devin grabbed her arm, gently.

"You right, I don't know and I'm sorry. I should've never said that."

Aaliyah sat back down in the seat and turned to Devin.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have even started this shot knowing that she was dead, I just needed something to d--

Devin pulled Aaliyah in a hug as she cried on his shoulder.

Later on as Devin lay in his bed contemplating the day, the month he had had he decided to call Shanie.

"What, Devin?" She answered with an attitude.

"Calm that shit down, Shanie. I knew what I did was wrong, but I've got some news for you.

"If your calling to tell me about the baby being dead Aaliyah already called me and apologized, but really I just think that God was trying to give us sometime apart, Devin.

This is what we need, some time apart. Because just because she is dead Devin, doesn't mean she was never developed."

As soon as his phone was clicked from the line another person was calling, he answered and Tea's voice immediately filled his ear.

"D-daddy I need your help!"

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