Why? Why? Why? WHY?

Why did he care?

What had I ever done to earn that?

The phrase 'I'm sorry' appeared in my mind, but I didn't voice it. I just gulped, licked my lips and, letting out a shaky breath, said:

"It wasn't a rhetorical question, Adrian. Back on the phone. Do you think you are a strong person?"

"What do you think?" He asked, his voice tired, yet defiant.

"Whether I'm strong or whether you're strong?" I questioned to win myself some time to get a grip, to overcome the strange sensations brought on by the notion that the person in front of me cared for me.

"Both." He replied, tone steadier than before.

"I asked first. And since you want me to answer about the both of us, you should too."

He sighed, leaning back, his palms covering his face.

"I don't know." His voice came out muffled.

I licked my lips again. "About me or you?"

"Both of us." He let his hands drop, his arms falling limply at the sides of his body, tired gaze aimed at me.

I'm sorry.

The stupid words tried to escape me again, but I clutched at them, pulling them deep within me. Somewhere where no one could hear them, not even me.

I racked my brain for a way to change the topic, to escape the tension growing between us and the unease in my chest. This was a situation I was completely unfamiliar with, the novelty slowing down my mental processes.

The intercom buzzed and a voice introduced themselves as an employee of the Chinese restaurant I'd called. I got up - with more haste than I moved when I was calm - buzzing him in, welcoming the diversion this man had provided. I waited for him by the door, paid him almost double what I owed, then shut the door in his face and headed for the kitchen, not once glancing at Adrian.

"Do you want to eat in the living room or the kitchen?" I raised my voice so he could hear me.

Why was I being so nice?

With anyone else - Vika excepted - I'd just offer them whatever I felt like wherever I felt like.

"Kitchen's fine." The voice was low and close, and once I lifted my head from the plates I was distributing the food in, I realized Adrian was just a few feet away.

How had I not heard him approach?

What the Hell was wrong with me?

I wasn't usually this oblivious to my surroundings.

"Do you need some help?" He nodded at the food, an olive branch I decided to accept.

I emptied the last container - the one with the fried bread buns - onto a plate.

"All done," I said, relocating the food from the counter onto the kitchen isle.

Adrian nodded again and took a seat on one side of the isle, opposite me, the shiny marble top separating us.

"How did you get in here anyway?" I asked, almost managing a nonchalant inflection before I took a forkful from the rice with vegetables. I could use the chopsticks the man had brought with the food or the ones I had in my cutlery drawler, but I didn't know if Adrian could handle those, so I'd provided us with forks instead.

"Walked in along with a couple who seems to live here. The doorman knew them." He bit into his food and chewed it before adding: "I was prepared to flash my badge otherwise." Next, he put a chicken nugget in his mouth.

Sweeter than Sweets {M/M} (Dogs, Bats & Monkey Series, Book III)Where stories live. Discover now