He reached into his pocket and counted out the money. Placing it in her hand, he turned to Arthur. "Take her down to Valentine, will you?"

Arthur nodded. "Sure."

"Thank you, son," he said, clapping him on the back. "You're a good man."

With his hands on his holster, he directed his attention to Jane. "Shall we?"

They rode through the trail and up the road.

"So, what if someone recognizes me before I can pay the bounty?" Jane asked.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to punch them."

Even though the statement was laced with humor, it still gave her a small sense of security.

"Well, Mr. Morgan," she teased. "That's very chivalrous of you."

He couldn't help but smile at her. "Anytime, cowgirl."

Jane's grip on the reins tightened as they trotted into town.

Arthur must've sensed her nervousness. "Just take it easy, Jane. I doubt that anyone will recognize you."

They stopped in front of the station and hopped off their horses.

Jane pushed the doors open, and as soon as she did, her stomach dropped. She flung backwards, pushing Arthur along with her.

"Woah, Jane. What's the issue?"

"My- my father," she squeaked.

"Oh," he said, more quietly. "Do you want to come back later?"

She shook her head. "I'm going to listen. He usually doesn't come into town." She pressed her ear into the the corner of the door.

"Now, you get this letter to my sister as soon as you can! My daughter is gone and has brought so much disgrace upon our family! If I ever catch the scoundrel, I'm going to whip her senseless," he father squawked, and she could hear the anger in his voice.

Arthur felt her begin to tremble beside him. "Hey," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "We don't have to stay here."

She shook her head once again, and continued to listen.

"My dear wife, she's heartbroken. And angered. She's gone and sold everything of hers. Let me tell you, when I get my hands on that slimy little thing, she'll wish she had never jumped off that train." She could imagine her father's hands wringing together, like he did when he got angry.

Suddenly, the door burst open. In a state of panic, Jane turned and hugged Arthur, pressing her face into his chest. Her father could not see her.

Arthur was surprised for a moment, then understood what she was doing. Playing along with her acting, he wrapped his arms around her, with one on her back and the other on the back of her head.

"Can't you do that somewhere else?" Her father asked.

Arthur faked a smile. "Sorry, sir. She's just... scared of trains."

He just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Damn, Arthur thought, he don't even recognize his own daughter.

After her father rode off, Arthur released her.

She didn't step away from him yet. "Is he gone?" She nearly whispered.

He looked down at her. "Yes."

Embarrassment overtook her when she realized how close they were. She stepped back, and felt her ears grow hot. "Uh, thank you," she said, intertwining her fingers.

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now