Chapter 33

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The next time I woke up I was in the comfort of my own bed with no recollection on how I got there. I slowly tried to sit up and noticed everyone was gathered around me like I was dying.

“Whats up” I asked attempting a smile.

As if I had suddenly announced I had ten more minutes to live Lala burst into tears and excused herself.

“What just happened?” I asked not completely understanding her outburst of tears.

“Lala woke up yesterday and we filled her in on what you did for her” Shan told me

“So” I said not seeing the point the was trying to make 

“Look in the mirror” Whitney offered up as some type of explanation

I stood up and walked over to my full body mirror. I couldn’t believe my eyes. What stared back at me was terrible. On my chest was a life sized bruise of Lala. We must have fallen a lot harder than I had thought. I touched it gently and winced inwardly at the pain it caused.

“Its like my own personal tattoo of Lala” I said trying to make light of the situation.

“Turn around” Shan said making a motion with his hand.

I slowly turned around and little bruises littered my back. Those must have been from the rocks I fell on top of. My million dollar body was not looking good at the moment. I would definitely need to keep a shirt on for awhile. A knock on the door caused us all to turn. I did my best to try and quickly put on a tank top but each movement hurt.

“Can I talk to Ryan alone please?” Lala asked with her eyes cast downwardly to the floor.

“Whats there to talk about?” I asked forcing a smile through the pain.

“Thank you” she said then sat on my bed and patted the spot next to her.

“What are husbands for” I said smiling her

“I owe you my life” she said looking me in the eye

“A kiss will do” I said completely serious.

“Later” she said thinking I was joking.

I stood up and held my hand out for Lala. Hand in hand we walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Of course I had a goofy grin on my face because she was touching me. I just couldn’t help it.

“Good talk im assuming” Whitney said noticing my grin.

“Something like that” I said still smiling

“So Ryan I feel like I should take one for the team and give you a sponge bath since I know your in pain.” Whitney said with a wink

“I am not showering with all these bruises” I said just imagining the discomfort.

“Hence my sponge bath offer” Whitney said with the roll of her eyes.

“Who giving who a sponge bath” Shan said walking in the room

“Lala volunteered to help him bathe tonight” Whitney said quickly saving herself.

“So there is something we need to discuss” I said getting serious since everyone was at the table.

“Which is” Lala asked.

“Our next move” I said anxious to continue the search for my mom.

“I think we should wait and go after Alex before she goes underground” Whitney said

“Well I think we need to find my mom now” I said

“One issue at a time”

“And my mom is first” I said getting slightly angry.

Saving The World While Falling For Your Bestfriend Is HardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora