Chapter 36

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As if I already didn't have enough on my plate the little girl appeared again. This time I wasn't tongue tied and I wanted answers.

"Who are you?" I asked before she could begin talking in riddles.

"Not important. What is important is that.." she started

"Who are you?" I repeated the question

"You wouldn't understand" she said

"I am pretty sure I can keep up" I told her confident in my comprehending abilities.

"Let me show you then" she said.

Right before my eyes she aged. She grew taller. Her hair became fuller and messy with curls. Her light skin became darker with aging and flawless. Her child like body grew into one of a woman. What really held my attention were her eyes they were the color of a sweet soft lavender.

"No it cant be" I said once she completely transformed

"So you do recognize me" she asked

"You're the girl from the vision I saw" I answered

"Try your daughter" she said

"But how?" I asked

"Long story short this thing with Alex escalates and I'm here to stop it" she said

"We will get to that but whose your mother?" I asked getting off track

"Dad focus" she said

"What's your name?" I asked completely ignoring the whole dad part.

"Name is Layla and La'Bria is my mom. Now get back on topic"

"What happens with Alex?" I ask as I stare in disbelief.

"That girl is smart. She turns to the government for help. Which she sends to the house to kidnap us. Almost successfully if it wasn't for my siblings" Layla tells me as she tears up.

"Where are the others?" I asked hoping they appear.

"They made the ultimate sacrifice" she said as she broke down in tears.

My fatherly instinct kicked in and I instantly wrapped my arms around her to try and soothe her tears. Of course this is when Lala decides to walk.

"Ryan what's..." she started but then noticed the position I was in.

"Lala its not what it looks like" I started

Upon hearing Lala's name Layla raised her head. As she did recognition flashed through Lala's eyes.


"Mom" Layla said then rushed into her arms.

"You know her?" I asked

"Your not the only one I visit" Layla told me.

"What's going on?" Lala asked

"I'll fill you in later but where are the others?" I asked

"You have six children all together" she told me.

"At least I know we'll have sex together at least six times" I said to Lala before I could stop my mouth.

"5 we have twins" Lala said with an eye roll.

"Eww that's just nasty." Layla said

"I'm pretty sure nasty is what's going to get you here." I told her with a smirk.

"Continue on Layla" Lala said ignoring my comment.

"When they came to the house you all surrendered because they swore they would leave us alone. It wasn't true. They came back for us. We fought so hard but it was too many and we refused to kill" Layla said close to tears.

"Then what happened" I asked

"The twins have the same ability as you too they held everyone off for as long as they could. Your son has the ability to transfer powers between people and that's what he did. He put their powers in me." She said

"Impossible your body would break down" Lala said

"Not if my body constantly regenerates and heals itself. Which is how I turned myself into the little girl."

"So essentially you cant die" I said

"Exactly" she said.

"What powers are in you?" Lala asked.

"Everyone's but the twins" she answered

"Which is?" I asked.

"Keep forgetting you don't know yet. Basically I can travel through time. Bend light to my will. And you already know the whole not dying thing." she told us.

"What happened to them?" Lala asked

"There gone I keep returning and it's the same thing" Layla said close to tears again.

"I'm going to fix this" I told her as I wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Its your fault anyways" she told me against my chest.

"I know" I said unable to argue.

"When is your birthday?" Lala asked suddenly out the blue

"Hopefully I'll be born soon" she said avoiding the question

"How soon?" Lala asked

"A year maybe 2" Layla answered with a shrug.

I watched as all the color drained from La'Bria face. Before we could even get a chance to speak on the situation Layla disappeared right before our eyes and my mom woke up.

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