Chapter 4

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Once again everything went still. Even the paramedics driving went still. Before I could give the girl a sarcastic comment she carried on.

"Your abilities take on the shape of what was needed" She said

We must have looked liked we didn’t understand because she went on and continued to explain.

" Ryan in the office, at that moment you needed to feel calmness and love in order for you to find the strength to let him kill La’Bria" she said without and hesitation"

"Ryan is the something you need to tell me" Lala said looking me in the eye

"I may have let you die but it wasn’t really you so im good" I said hurriedly

Everything went back to normal as the girl disappeared.

"That really needs to stop" I said to no one in particular.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the hospital. With much convincing and begging on my part the girls were later released into my custody.

"Football Practice" I said to them as I jumped out the car and ran to the locker room. I was lucky this time. People were still changing which means I wasn’t late yet I changed quickly and ran onto the field.

"Halfback handoff practice" the coach boomed loudly.

I got into position and waited for the quarterback to set the play in motion.

"Hike" he called out

I ran behind Gerald our quarter back and faked as if I had the ball. I was quickly tackled in a way that would have caused me to fumble the ball. To his surprise I didn’t have to ball. I listened as my team roared in victory as Johnny made it to the imaginary touchdown. Gerald walked over to me and helped me up off the ground.

"Nice fake" he said and walked off.

I turned toward the right side of the field and dusted myself off. I looked up and stared into the eyes of a newly dumped Claire. I sighed loudly and walked over to where she was practicing with the other cheerleaders.

"Can I talk to you please Claire"

"Sure" she said with fake cheeriness.

We walked a little ways away from the cheerleaders and sat on the bleachers. Something I immediately regretted as Claire sat down and immediately jumped up from the stinging heat of the metal.

"Sorry" I said and jumped up too.

"Anyways I just wanted to know if we were cool" I asked jumping right into it.

"Yeah. Whatever" she said and tried to walk away from me.

I grab her wrist gently then turn her around to look at me.

"Look Claire you cant expect me to choose between you and Lala without someone’s feelings getting hurt"

"I expected you to pick me because I was your girl" she retorted.

"You cant expect me to choose between you and family. Family comes first which means Lala will always be there" I told her honestly

"I know and I don’t like it so lets just move on. Bye Ryan" she said and proceeded to walk away from me

"Bye Claire" I said to no one in particular but the wind.

"Sorry about that. It’s all my fault, I should have never pressed her buttons." Lala said suddenly from behind me

"Its not your fault" I quickly reassured her.

"I will never choose a girl over you" I told her sincerely as I stared into her hazel eyes.

Saving The World While Falling For Your Bestfriend Is Hardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن