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He carried my to his room and set me on the bed. He kissed me. I hadn't kissed anyone in over four years. I missed him but I didn't want to face the others. I should be happy right?

When we both gasped for air I managed to get some words out.

"Peter, I cant see them."

"They'll be happy that your back. We missed you so much! Just kiss me." He leaned back down and kissed me some more, his kisses going down my body. I pushed him away as I stood up.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He says as he lifts me up and pushes me against the wall. My legs wrap around him as he walks to the cockpit.

"Why are we here?"

"So I can fly us away. Plus, maybe you could suprise the others by flying with me?"

"Okay sure." We both sit down in the ship and start to fly off.


After about an hour of flying and making out with Peter, I hear a fimiliar voice call out.

"I am Groot?" I turn to Peter to see Groot wanting to pick him up. Peter does so and sets him on his shoulder. Groot doesnt notice me until he opens his eyes all the way.

"I am Groot!" He jumps over to me and hugs me. He was a toddler now. Pretty cute actually.

"Hi Groot!"

Soon everybody shows up. All their faces are in shock.

"Hey guys." I say. Peter comes up from behind me and kisses me.

"My man!" Rocket yells.

This was great. The whole family back again. We crashed into something.

"The Nova Corps." Peter says.

"Let's fight these bitches." I yell. "Sorry Groot."

"Lets fight!" Drax yells.

"FAMILY!" Groot yells.

The end

Starmora: Peter and GamoraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora