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"Okay, I'll see you later bro." I watched as walked over to Gamora's room and knocked on the door. I wanted to kill him so bad! But I didn't want to hurt him because he makes Gamora smile and laugh. I decided to go to the bar and drown my sorrows. I get up and grab my jacket and put it on. I walk out of my room and say bye to everyone except for Gamora and James.

I land the ship on a planet named Flordo. It has crappy alcohal but very good food. I walk out of the ship and walk into a bar. I see a hot girl in the corner by herself. I decided that Gamora was busy with James, why not have a little fun with someone else.


I was watching as we landed on a planet that I visited when I was a child. It looked a lot better than when I was a child though. Something cought my eye. It was a bar with a neon girl in the window. I then knew why we were here. I see Quill walking into it and looking around for someone to mess around with. I am startled when I here a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

"Your friendly neighborhood spiderman..."

"Come in." I say as I turn around. James steps in and walks over to me. I start to fiddle with the necklace that Peter got for me for my birthday. It had an infinity sign on it. That was the first time I knew that I loved him.

"Hey!" He said as he stood beside me. I turned around to face the bar again. "Does he do this often?"


"Drinking? Bringing home girls?"

"Oh, yeah. It's okay though."

"No it's not. You love him, he loves you, but he still goes and does stuff like that instead of making a move on the prettiest women ever." I chuckle at his comment and drop my hand from my necklace.

"Thank you." I look up at him and smile. We just stand there for a second looking at each other.

"Do you want to go to the bar together?"

"Like a date?"

"What if it was?"

"I would say yes."

"Great, then it's a date."

"I'm going to get changed, and I will meet you at the exit in five minutes."

"Okay. See you then." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and left as quitely as he came. I immedietly went to Mantis. She has tons of dresses and we are the same size. I knocked on her door and she let me right in.

"Hey Mantis! I need a dress."

"Why do you need a dress?"

"No time, give me something sweet and simple please. Oh, and black!"

"Okay." She went to her closet and pulled out a black knee high dress that had a fluffy skirt and a leather top peice. She also gave me a pair of healed boots that came halfway up my calf. They were laced and zipped up in the back. I put it on very fast. Me and Mantis don't mind getting changed in front of each other. We had to share a room for three weeks after my room had been blown off by some enemys.

I slipped on the dress and shoes and put on some mascara. I am not going to lie. I liked the way I looked. I went to go say bye to Groot and the guys. I had about a minute before I was supposed to meet James. I knocked on Rockets door and he answered quite quickly.

"Hey Rocket. I am going to the bar, I'll be back in about two hours."


"Okay, bye Groot!"

"I am Groot!" I close the door and make my way down the hall until I see James. He got his hair to look nice and got some better shoes on. I walk up to him and he finally sees me. He smiles at first but then I see his mouth drop just a little as I get closer to him.

"Hey! Are you ready?" I asked.

"You look stunning. I don't know if I can even take you out now. Guys are going to be checking you out!"

"They already do."

"Of course they do. Let's go."

"Oh wait!" I ran into my room and grabbed my knives. I ran back to where James was and started putting my knives into the dress so that they were noticeable.

"Knives, you know, a typical girl would accessorize themselves with a bracelet or maybe a flower on the wrist, but my date brings knives."

"Well I am also the deadliest women in the galaxy." He reached his hand out and I take it. Our fingers interlock and we leave the spacecraft. The bar wasn't far away. It was maybe a house or two away.

As we walk to the bar, we started talking about when we were children. I told him about Thanos, he told me about a brother named Loki. James was very funny. I hate loving people sometimes. I feel so vulnerable all the time. It's okay though because Thanos is gone, the main reason for living was to kill Thanos, and we did that. I could be a girl now. I could fall in love. It just feels weird.

"So, what's up with you and Peter? Is it something to worry about?"

"What?! No. He has always hit on me and he has always liked me, I just started to love him too. But when he started drinking and acting like he acts, we drifted apart. You have nothing to worry about at all."

"Okay. Good because he kind of seems like a jerk. I would hate to see you end up in a relationship like that."

"Yeah. I would hate that too."

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