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I heard her come out of Groot’s room after around two or three minutes. She walked by my door when I whispered, “Psst…” she turned and looked at me. Her arms were crossed and her face was wet from tears. She came in my room just a little.


“Come here.” I lifted the blanket gesturing for her to lay down with me. She uncrossed her arms and let out a breath I didn’t know she was keeping in. She came a few steps closer. “I guess you heard all that.” She sat down at the edge of my bed. She was still in her dress and shoes. She started to unzip her shoes and lay them onto the floor.

“Yeah. Thank you.”

“For what? Getting rid of him?”

“Just saying that stuff, that I am a good person.”

“You are, you just mess up, and now I see that.”

“No, it’s not just that, the liquor, the girls, the anger are just distractions to keep myself happy.”

“Do we not make you happy?”

“What?! G, you and the team are the one thing that makes me the happiest. I just-”

“Love me, you need the girls as a distraction. I see it clearly now. That’s what James was. I wasn’t in love with him. He was a distraction, from you.” She looked at me. Her eyes were red from crying. I propped myself up onto my arms and gave her a confused look. “Peter, I wasn’t drunk. I didn’t drink any shots, I just whispered for the bartender to put water in them. I had to act drunk. I heard you say everything. About how you loved me and how you are going to be better. That’s great Peter!”

“Wait, you heard that?”

“All of it?”


“Do you want to talk about it?”


“No?” I asked. I was confused, usually people would want to talk about the relationship.



“Because why talk when you can just do this.” She grabbed my shirt and pulled herself closer to me very quickly. Before I knew it, she kissed me. I was surprised. I guess she noticed because she sat back up. “Oh God, was that bad? Did you not like that?” She covered her mouth and looked at me trying to read my mind. All I did was stare at her and put my arms around her. I sat up all the way and kissed her.

She threw her arms around my neck and she leaned on me. I fell backwards onto the bed while still holding onto her. Her arms gracefully moved up and down my chest. Her hand slipped under my shirt and just stayed there. I didn’t dare make anymore moves. I didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment between us.

I finally had all I wanted. Everything. She threw one leg over me and put her hands on my chest. “What are we doing Peter?”

“I don’t know, but I love it!”

“I do too. Do you want to go further?”

“Like what?”


“If you are okay with it…”

“I have waited two months for this night.”

“That’s nothing, try two years for me.”

“I am so sorry.” She laughs as she grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it up. Her hands trace every line on my chest as she kisses me. This is great.

Author Note: Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you all are loving the story. Stay tuned big news in the next chapter!!!! 🤐🤐😝

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