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"A man what?" He uncrosses his arms and sits next to me. He isn't mad he just looks sad.

"Nothing. Forget it. Just stop bringing home girls all the time. It wouldn't kill you to maybe do something with your friends. You know we do fun things when you are having intercourse."

"Gamora. I am not going to stop bringing girls over. You know why? Because everyday I see the most beautiful women in the universe. The only girl I would want a long-term relationship with, but I can't have her because she's a stuck up brat!"

"You probably don't deserve her! Does she know that you go to a bar every night and pick up a new girl?!"

"No, I don't deserve her. She's great. But I don't know how she feels anymore. We used to have a connection but once I started drinking she got a lot colder."

"Sounds like something I would do. Good talk Peter. Now get out of my room, and put a shirt on please." I watch him get up and leave. He throws me one more quick glance before leaving and shutting the door. I take my shoes of and climb in bed. My room has a perfect view of the stars. I watch them until I almost fall asleep. I close my eyes when there is a loud bang against the right corridor of the ship. I rush out and see a man floating in space. "Everyone! Grab a space mask! I am going to retreive the body!"

"I agree. We should see why this idiot on steroids is taking a midnight stroll while he's unconscience." Rocket added.

Author Note: The new man will be played by Liam Hemsworth

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back." I open the door, revealing myself to space, I feel the coldness hit my skin and I go over to the body and pick it up. I turn us around and use the harness to pull myself in. Once I got into the ship, gravity hit, and he got a lot heavier. I set him on the table and observed him. I grazed my hand over his biceps. "It's like his muscles are made from a composite material. He should wake up soon. He has a pulse."

"Ok everyone. You can stop touching his muscles now." Peter said as he crossed his arms.

"No Peter. No I can't." Drax said as he once again, dragged his hands across the shirtless man."

"Drax stop." I said. He took his hand off and made his way back to the dining table. Rocket and Groot made their way make to the cockpit and started flying.

"Go fly the ship with Rocket, I'll stay here." Peter said as he gestured to the cockpit.

"I'm fine. Why don't you go fly?"

"Fine." He walks behind me and into the front of the ship. I pull up a chair and look at the figure. There are cuts and bruises all over his faced and his stomach. I get a wet peice of cloth and start to clean up the blood on him. As soon as the cold rag touches him, he jerks up and starts breathing heavily.

"Who are you?" He says as he looks at me.

"Who are you?" I say as I pull out my blade and hold it by my side.

"I am James, son of Odin. Who are you, and where am I?"

"I am Gamora, I am part of the Guardians of the Galaxy. You are in our ship. We found you floating about in space and brung you inside. If you were out there for much longer, you would have died."

"Thank you. But I need to get back to Asgard and defeat Thanos."

"Thanos? He's dead already, and Asgard burnt to death." 

"What? How long have I been asleep?"

"I have no idea. Maybe you got stuck in The Phantom Zone. I knew a girl who got stuck there for 24 years."

"Really? That long?"

"Yeah, let me get my team." I walked away and could feel his eyes on me and I did so. I was going to threaten him but I thought of something better. I walked up to the cockpit and looked at everybody. "The male is awake. He's from Asgard."

"Okay." Peter said as he crossed his arms. Everyone except for him made their way back to the medical room. Once I knew that they were all in the room, I sat down next to Peter.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't think that we should trust him so fast."

"Do you think that because he challenges your superior role of the team?"

"Pff, no. I know he has nothing on me." He stiffens up and ajusts his leg so that his forearm is resting on it and his foot is on the console.

"Okay, good." I stand up. I could tell that he was very out of sorts. I think it was because James was bigger than Peter and he thinks that James has a chance to overthrow him. That's not going to happen. I stand up and walk over to Peter so that he was looking up at me. I bend down and give a small kiss on the forehead. "You have nothing to be afraid of. You're Starlord, legendary outlaw." I walk back to the med room and see the man standing and socializing with the team.

Starmora: Peter and GamoraWhere stories live. Discover now