cereal thief 》zuckles [pt.2]

Start from the beginning

F/N #2🌇:
I'm not here tho
I'm back at home for a couple of days, family issues
I'm sorry :(
What about F/N#1?

Didn't see my messages :/
Anyways I hope everything's good man, stay safe

F/N #2🌇:
Thank you, u too❤️💕
I'm so bored here but at least I don't get work 🤪

Lucky cunt

F/N #2🌇:
Actually p unlucky bc I'm stuck with my annoying little cousin 😒

I'm glad, let this be a lesson for you to never abandon me here ever again

F/N #2🌇:
Ttyl crazyass
Iluuuu ❤️❤️

Ly too💕

You sighed, you had another friend who was a girl on campus - maybe she would be available?


F/N #3🐻

Hey dude could I come over for the night
My roommate is kinda fucking her bf and I'm not wanting to awkwardly stay there lol
I have nowhere else to go so
Could I?
I'll pay you back with food or somethin
Read 11:03pm

Groaning, you decided fuck it, you'll crash at Mason's if he was there. You quickly walked over, not wanting to stand awkwardly in the halls any longer. When you arrived, you frantically knocked at his door. He thankfully opened it.
"Oh, hi N/N!" He exclaimed, smiling upon seeing you.
"My roommate's boyfriend is staying over so can I please sleep on the floor?" You said quickly, a light blush dusting your cheeks. Why were you acting like this?
"Oh- of course. You okay?" He let you in before flopping down on the couch, patting the little amount of space there was left with his hand, gesturing for you to sit down.
"Yeah, I just don't wanna be there when they fuck. You know?" He nodded in understanding.
"I'm lucky, I don't have a roommate." Mason stated with a smug grin on his face. You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Lucky bitch."
You yawned right after saying that, your sleepiness was catching up to you. You were originally going to bed until your roommate interrupted you, and you did a double take as you realized you were in your pyjamas, your hair messy.
"I hope I'm not intruding."
"Nope, not at all. I was gonna get an early night, but now you're here."
"Early? It's 11pm."
"Early for me."
"Fair." You hummed, before yawning again.
"You sleepy?"
"Yeah... so, can I sleep on your floor?"
"You actually thought I was gonna let you sleep on my floor? Are you fucking insane? I may be retarded but I'm not that retarded." He looked at you, eyes questioning.
"Where do I sleep then?" You asked.
"In my bed." You immediately choked on your spit.
"What?! I-I'm not letting you sleep on this nasty couch-"
"I'm not sleeping on the couch either. We're sharing the bed."
"How many fanfictions have you read?"
"Don't you know this always end up with sex when two people share a bed and there's obvious tension between them?"
"What tension?" Mason titled his head, smirking.
"Nevermind. Let's just go to bed."
"Good answer."
You both got up and you ran onto his bed, slightly bouncing up and down.
"This is actually comfy!" Your friend nodded, smiling down at you. You both settled in, keeping a respective distance, backs facing each other. After a couple of minutes, you realized you wouldn't be able to fall asleep when your heart was practically beating out of your chest. The guy you liked was sleeping right next to you! Wait- the guy you liked? 'That explains a lot,' You thought to yourself. You turned around to face Mason.
"Hey Mace, you awake?" He hummed. "I can't sleep."
Your friend turned around to look at you. Even in the darkness, there was still a bit of light illuminating the both of you from outside.
"Me neither. Wanna talk about really deep shit?"
"You fucking know it." You grinned at him, glad you were both on the same track. Time passed as you both talked about your problems, problems with the world, other people's problems, your pasts and all that. You looked over at the clock, realizing it was 12:48am.
"You tired yet?" You asked him. Mason nodded, but grasped your hand before you could turn around again and attempt to fall asleep.
"I wanna tell you something else." From what you could see, he was blushing hard. 'Why though?'
"I don't really know how to say this but," he started. Mason gulped before continuing his confession. "I really like you. You're really sweet and funny, you're interesting and beautiful as fuck and just an overall really amazing person."
"Mason..." you whispered, a large smile making its way onto your face.
"It's completely cool if you don't like me, but if there's a slight chance you do, would you maybe wanna go out? And be my girlfriend?" He forced the last part out quickly, trying to spare himself from embarrassment. As he finished his sentence, you pressed your lips against his. He seemed surprised at first, but quickly melted into the kiss, his hands making their way to your thighs to move you on top of him. The kiss quickly turned into a makeout when Mason snuck his tongue into your mouth, his hands moving up to your ass to press you up against him. You both pulled away for air and you stayed there, on top of him, head on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat.
"Does that answer your question?"
Mason giggled as you asked that, giddy and happy that you felt the same way about him.
"I love you." He said before drifting off to sleep with you still in his arms.
"I love you too." You smiled widely, a blush still burning into your cheeks. Now you would be able to get revenge on your roommate.

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