zombie au 》fitz

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originally published: feb 1st 2019updated: july 11th 2019

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originally published: feb 1st 2019
updated: july 11th 2019

word count: 1871
requested by: N/A
slight gore involved


So, you're in a zombie apocalypse, stuck with your group of friends, which has the most fitting name - the Misfits. And you decide to crush on your closest friend, huh? Genius. You really know when to pick a good place and time. You mentally scolded yourself as you daydreamed about Cam again, but were sucked back into reality as the truck you were all in came to a sudden halt, making your whole body lurch forwards.
"Did you not wear your fucking seatbelt?" Cam groaned as he saw you rubbing your head where you had hit it.
"No, I'm sorry dad." You emphasized the last word.
"Don't give me attitude, young lady!" He went along with your joke, grinning slightly.
"She gets it from you, you know." Toby butted in. It was moments like these where you were eternally grateful to be stuck with these retards - you would go fucking insane if you couldn't crack a joke from time to time. Especially in times like these, where the world has gone absolute batshit, you can still fuck around with your friends and be genuinely happy, instead of losing your mind like a madman trapped in a box.
"Why'd we stop anyways?" Jay inquired, worried you wouldn't get back to the base in time before sundown. Just like Minecraft, these zombies hoarded at night - but they were still out in the day, just not in huge mobs (thankfully). At nighttime, you'd all lock yourselves in the safety of the bunker you had found, and God seemed to have blessed the group as the bunker was filled with food that could last you all a year if you rationed it carefully.
"Fuck, we're out of gas." Toby muttered as he looked over to the meter. "Jokes are over. We need a plan, and fast - we're out in the middle of nowhere and the sun is setting soon. The fucking cunts will be out before we know it."
"Aight, here's what we got on the map." You said as you brought it out. You all had your separate jobs - you were the sniper as well as the mapper (having a good sense of direction and going hunting with your dad had definitely prepared you for the apocalypse), Toby was designated driver and planner along with Cameron, Mason & Jay were scouts looking for survivors, and finally, Eric (Swagger) & Matt were the ones protecting the bunker. You and the boys - excluding Matt and Eric, who stayed back at the bunker - had decided to go out a bit farther today, considering that the days were now longer. You had made a mistake though - you hadn't checked how much gas there was left in the car.
"Aw cunt, we're fucked." Mason whined, anxiously. You understood where he was coming from, seeing as it was getting harder to see your map, but at times like these you had to remain calm and keep a clear head so you wouldn't do anything stupid.
"No we're not. We're a good 30 minute walk away from base, and there's an old gas station near it that I noticed. We could maybe get some gas from there if there's any left."
"When do you think the sun'll set?" Jay asked.
"25 minutes."


You were wrong. The sun ended up disappearing behind the hills in less than 15 minutes, and now you were all beginning to get worried. You had to leave the truck behind, promising that you'd get it tomorrow the second that the sun would come back. But everyone was tense, the night sky was not comforting. Thankfully, there were enough flashlights for 3 people, and you were the one stuck on lookout in case a zombie popped up. So far so good, the zombies had kept their distance and thankfully it wasn't some Gen-Z shit where the undead could run.
"Hey man, how are you?" You jumped as the silence between the group was broken by Cam, who had slowed down so he could walk next to you.
"I'm nervous. Scared. It's so quiet, and living with siblings meant that quiet is bad." He chuckled at your comment, but it soon disappeared as he realized you were right - it was quiet. Too quiet.
"You don't think they can control their groans, right?" He asked.
"...No." You muttered, then came to a halt. "At least I don't think so." You raised your hand up in a 'stop' motion, and Cam abruptly stopped, getting everyone to quiet down. You all tried to focus on any noise around you. Then suddenly, you heard it - a low moan coming from the other side of a hill near you.
"Ohhhh shit." You said to yourself, eyes widening as you saw many shadows peeking over. "RUN!"
You all broke into a sprint, trying to find a shelter near you. Thinking back to the map, and thankfully memorizing it, you remembered seeing a small store that could probably be used as a safe space - probably. 'Better than nothing.' You thought to yourself before shouting your plan to your friends. They nodded, letting you take the lead to get to the store.
"Over here!" You said as you saw the store in the distance. Thankfully, you reached it sooner than expected and hushed everyone inside.
"Okay," You started, whispering out of paranoia. The mob was far away, but knowing they were coming made you want to be as quiet as possible. "They won't be here for a good few minutes. We have time to think up of a better plan, if you guys have any bright ideas, now would be a perfect time!" You were annoyed, worried, and most of all - terrified. It had been a while since you came face to face with a mob, and your gun only had so many bullets to protect your friends. The number of zombies seemed to outnumber the number of bullets left.
"Is there any meat in here?" Toby asked, looking around.
"Doubt it. Anyone who lived in this area in the past would've looted literally anything they can get their hands on. Look at this place, it's ransacked." Cam said as he gestured to the knocked over shelves, thrashed coolers and overall mess on the floor.
"Be quiet you crazy cunts!" Mason whisper-shouted to the boys. You all turned your heads to the door you had barricaded, hearing distant moaning.
"Yeah well that's fucking reassuring, isn't it." You muttered mostly to yourself, but it made the boys crack a small smile. "How many bullets have you got?" You turned back to your friends, glancing up at them.
"Not many." Jay replied. The answer was the same with the rest of them, and you groaned in frustration at yourself for not packing more rounds.
"I'm starting to regret not yoinking that whiskey we found the other day." You brought your hands up to your face, sighing into them.
"Guess we're stuck here then." Mason said.
"Yup. Hopefully not for long, th-" you were interrupted mid-sentence by a banging at the doors of the store. "Shit!" You yelped in surprise, clinging onto the thing nearest to you - Cam's arm. His immediate response was to wrap you in his arms, bringing you close to his chest to protect you from whatever harm was coming your way.
"They're here." He mumbled.
"Fucking cunts can't back off. Get off our dicks!" Mason exclaimed.
"Don't attract anymore attention, Mase! Are you fucking crazy?!" You seethed through your teeth, grabbing his arm to bring him close to you. The banging got worse and worse, and suddenly- CRACK! The barricade you made had broken under all the pressure the zombies were putting on it, and you all jumped back in surprise.
"We're surrounded. Shit!" Cam exclaimed.
"Eh. The more, the merrier." You grunted, done with all the bullshit that life had thrown your way today.
"I think you got the concept wrong. That's not how this works-" Cam got interrupted by a zombie coming his way. "Fuck off, cunt!"
As you sniped some zombies down, you looked around for an escape plan - the roof. 'Of course! The fucking roof, why didn't I think of that earlier?!' You shot down two more zombies before looking over at the backdoor, which seemed to be intact.
"Guys!" They turned their heads towards you, signalling you had their attention, before going back to defending themselves. "Back door! We need to get to the roof."
The boys seemed to get the memo and you all booked it, running towards the back door. As you got it open, a corpse fell on you, catching you off guard.
"FUCK SHIT GET IT OFF ME!" You screamed, as you tried pushing it off you. The zombie tried grabbing for you, snapping its teeth everywhere, scaring you even more. You took your gun, which had fallen to the floor when the creature had knocked you over. Instead of shooting the monster, you bashed its head in with it, terrified for your life. After a few hits, you noticed it was dead and looked around to your friends, who hadn't taken notice as they were fighting for their lives as well. You looked through the door you had opened, feeling a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders as you noticed there weren't any more of the undead hiding in there. You grabbed the group's attention, dragging them back before closing the door on a zombies hand, reinforcing the door closed with whatever you could get your hands on. Shoving a chair under the knob, along with a few other things to keep it closed, you all ran to the stairs, up to the roof, and closed that door too, barricading it with the huge bag Jay had on his back.
"F-fucking shit." Mason stuttered, shaking. You went over to him and hugged him, relieved that you had made it to a somewhat safer place. After letting go from the hug, Cam walked over, noticing that you were shaking like a leaf.
"Are you okay? What happened?!" He asked, pulling you in for a hug of his own. You hugged him back, hard, as if your life depended on it.
"One of t-the fucking zombies was hiding behind the door and fell on top of me and I didn't know what to do so I had to bash its head in and it was fucking disgusting and I didn't know if I was going to live or die or-" your nervous rambling was cut off by lips pressing against yours, bringing you in closer than ever before. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around Cam's neck to savour the feeling more. The rest of the boys behind you whooped, Toby throwing in a, "Finally, it took you guys long enough. You were eye-fucking each other all the fucking time." Which made you all laugh. Your group settled down, waiting for the moaning and groaning of the zombies downstairs to become quieter, as you knew they would leave at some point to find their next meal.
"They didn't get us this time, and they never will." You said as you leaned against Cam's chest, looking at your friends and newfound boyfriend, thankful you were all still alive.

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