Chapter 2

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|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|

{Tom's POV}

"Help me while I welcome the Spiderman, Tom Holland!" I walk out as Ellen says my name and she gets up to give me a hug. I sit down in the chair next to her so we could talk. 

"Thank you for having me. It is lovely to be here." 

"It's great having you here. We have a lot of questions for you in a short amount of time then we will play a game."

"Oooo I love games." The audience laughs. 

"Alright let's get to it. First off, you have recently filmed a new movie called Avengers Endgame. So what has that been like?"

"Well we finished shooting the movie last year and then when on a press tour. It was a really fun experience. I actually liked it better than the Infinity War tour because I was used to everyone and didn't have to be nervous all the time like I used to be." I laughed towards the end and so did everyone else. I prayed that there would be no questions about Y/N and I. I almost made it though the entire interview without being asked then it came. I figured they would want to know what happened between us. We really didn't make it public other than she was in a crash and we broke up. 

I got a lot of hate from her fans. A lot of "Your a terrible person." "You let go a prefect person." "Why would you do that to a person like her!" and the list goes on and on. I tried to ignore the comments but it just brought me down. I couldn't ignore them because they were right. I was a terrible person and I never should have let her go. 

"So I know that it has been a rough couple of months for you with the breakup and all but we all want to know why it happened. We were all so confused because it was like when the two of you got to Rome the world literally changed for you two. Both of you looked so happy before you left for the press tour. Also why didn't Y/N finish out the press tour?"

"So there are a couple of reasons why. The cast would joke around saying that we were Mr. and Mrs. Holland and we took it as a joke. I went and actually bought a ring for her a week before this happened. I was really nervous about it and wanted to wait for the perfect time so I was going to ask her to marry me in Rome. Well I asked Y/N if she ever really wanted to be Mrs. Holland and she told me that she didn't think she did." When I said that the whole audience gasped. I mean it was unexpected. 

"Yeah, and so we got into a fight about it  and I had to take a breather so I went to the back room. I guess Y/N thought that I was in the bathroom because she came in with another cast mate and talked about how she felt like she led me on and that she didn't want to hurt me. There were words that were said that made it worse. We got off the plane and Y/N decided to ride with another cast mate so I had the car to myself. We got to the hotel and we were staying in the same room. I put my stuff down and told her that I would talk to her in the car. I wasn't in the mood yet to talk and we exchanged some words in the hotel room. I went down to the car right after and she stayed up there for about 10 minutes before coming down to the car. We talked in the car some but it made things worse. I told her we could pretend to be together so we aren't bothered by anything but then the wreck happened and everything went south from there. She was in a coma for a long time and I sat by her side every minute regretting the things I had said to her. After she woke up we talked and another thing happened with my other best friend and I just felt like I had to leave. I felt horrible and I could sit and watch this play out in the wrong way. I left for the press tour ad haven't seen her since that day." 

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