12 | Validation

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THE CONSTANT DRIPPING coming from the pipe above him was annoying him. The steady drip, drip, drip was the only sound in the quiet room despite his breathing. It was setting him on edge.

Of course, he wasn't able to do much about it. With his limbs being chained together, the male couldn't do much at all. Besides, he wasn't even in a good enough state to stand.

Sighing, he tried to close his eyes and block out the sound. Sleep usually seemed to stop his boredom. It was one of the few things that would help him pass the time in this wretched place. However, the constant drip, drip, drip was preventing him from doing such a thing.

His tired, annoyed eyes, flew to the pipe, glaring at it. It was hard to actually distinguish the features of the shape with his contacts, but he had already gone so long without them that the slight bluriness seemed normal. All he could make out was an old brown thing hanging from the ceiling - but it was most certainly a pipe.

God, this was stupid. This whole place was stupid. This whole fucking situation was stupid.

Kazuichi wasn't supposed to be here. In any other universe, he would've not been here, but it so happened he was stuck in the one universe that had him trapped in this god awful place. One tiny decision - seeming barely important in the grand scheme of things - had led to this. Fucking hell, this was stupid!

He wasn't supposed to be trapped here in this dark and dirty cellar. He wasn't supposed to be chained up to the fucking wall like some animal. He wasn't supposed to be littered in bitemarks and hickies that did not come from his lover. He wasn't supposed to be so exhausted that even keeping his fucking eyes open would be a battle.

None of this was supposed to happen. None of it.

If only he had gone straight home that night.

✧ | ✧ | ✧

Kazuichi's eyes snapped open, and he looked around the room in a panic, trying to calm his frantic breathing. Where the hell was he? This wasn't the cellar, it wasn't the cellar-

He grabbed his hair - the roots black because of the lack of dye - and tugged at it, forcing himself to remember. Police sirens, hospital, bright lights, Gundham-

Gundham. His eyes flew back open and he looked around the room in a delirious manner, searching for the man. He needed him. The breeder couldn't have left him. He wouldn't leave him.

The male was growing scared, and he hated it. He hated how fucking paranoid and useless he felt like this. Hated how he was relying on Gundham in these moments. But he needed him now more than anything. He needed the validation that he was here, and that everything was alright.

“Gundham?” He called out quietly, body trembling. “Are...are you here?”

“My paramour, calm down. I'm right here.” The voice came from behind him.

Kazuichi turned his head to find the male sitting at a table, laptop in front of him. It appeared that Kazuichi had interuppted him from doing some sort of work, but if the mechanic was being honest, he needed the validation.

Letting out a sigh in relief, Kazuichi ran a hand through his tangled locks. Gundham was here and he was safe. Good.

“You look troubled,” Gundham stated rather bluntly, eyebrows knitting together as he studied the male laying on the couch. “Is everything alright?”

“I'm fine-”

“You don't appear to be fine-”

“I'm fine, alright?!” Kazuichi snapped, his voice cracking. His expression immediately softened after the small outburst, and he looked down at his lap, avoiding eye contact with Gundham.

Gundham let out a small sigh, closing his laptop. He got up from the table, moving to sot down next to the mechanic on the couch. He wrapped his arms around him, resting his chin on top of the boy's head.

“You're allowed to not feel okay, Kazuichi. You do understand that, right?” The breeder questioned, his hold on the male growing tighter.

Tears pricked the corners of Kazuichi's eyes, and he pulled away, hastily wiping them from his eyes. “I'm not...I feel so fuckin’ useless.”

“You're not useless-”

“Yes I am!” Kazuichi cried out in anger. “I can't remember anything worth shit, a-and I keep relying on you for fuckin’ everything, and I have these stupid nightmares-”

He clamped his hand over his mouth, realizing what he had just said. His face heated up in embarrassment, and he avoided eye contact with the breeder. He had said too much.

Gundham immediately noticed the look of discomfort on the male's face. “Please listen, my paramour. You don't always have to act strong around me. You're allowed to feel terrible, alright? And you can always come to me to talk about anything - when you're ready, that is. I understand here and now may not be the right time and place for that sort of discussion. But when you're ready, we can talk about it, okay?”


The breeder pulled Kazuichi in for another hug. “I know what you are going through is difficult, but I am here for you. The dark queen is as well. We love you very much, Kazuichi.”

After that said, Kazuichi let the dam break, tears flowing down his face. That was all the validation he needed.


so, um, tea. looks like I neglected to post this part for you all. this was the last chapter of this fiction I had completed before abandoning it.

let me just say, thank you guys. I read through the comments of this earlier and was actually crying because your kind words have more impact than you realize. so thank you, thank you, thank you.

for an update on where I've been, check the author's note on my x-reader or my announcements. that being said, I am considering a rewrite/rebooting this book. no promises, but we'll see. ;)

again, thank you guys for everything! you're the best fans ever!

-abby lynn

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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