09 | Going Home

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"MY HOME IS your home, mortal. Please, just stay here. I don't want you ever going back there again."

"Gundham, I can't possibly-..." Kazuichi Souda brought his hands to his mouth at a loss for words. This was too kind of an offer. He couldn't possibly live with Gundham's family. That would be intruding.

"Please, Kazuichi." Gundham grabbed his boyfriend's hands, staring into the boy's bubblegum pink contacts. "You're part of the family now. Just stay."

The mechanic looked around the room, avoiding Gundham's eyes. "Are you sure this is okay? I don't wanna intrude or anything-"

With a desperate look on his face, Gundham tilted  Kazuichi's head up so the mechanic was forced to look into his eyes. "Do me a favor and just say 'yes', will you?"

A smile spread across Kazuichi's lips. He grinned, exposing his sharp, shark-like teeth. "I'll stay if that's what you want, Gundham."

Gundham laced their fingers together and rested his forehead against Kazuichi's. "I just want to be with you."...

✧ | ✧ | ✧

"How do you feel?"

" 'Bout what?" Kazuichi questioned after taking a sip of his water. " 'Bout leaving this place?"


"I...I dunno..." Kazuichi trailed off, staring into space. How did he feel about leaving the hospital. Happy, he supposed, but nervous at the same time. There was a whole world waiting for him out there, and what if he wasn't ready for it?

"I think," Gundham began, sauntering over to the male's bedside, "as soon as we get home, we re-dye your hair and get you some contacts. Does that sound appealing, mortal?"

Gundham's arms wrapped around the boy, pulling him into a tight hug. Kazuichi let out a him of approval, resting his head in the crook of Gundham's neck. The breeder chuckled, bringing his scarf up to the tip of his nose to hide his growing blush.

"I'm guessing that's a 'yes'?" Kazuichi let out another hum, burrowing further into Gundham's body.

Sighing, Gundham ran a hand through his hair. "I have to admit, mortal, you look most peculiar adorned in my attire."

Since both the boys refused to go back to Kazuichi's dad's house, Gundham brought over some spare clothes he could wear. Honestly, the mechanic looked odd in baggy sweatpants and a white t-shirt that was a size too big. But the clothes would half to do for now.

"Shut up," Kazuichi muttered with a half-hearted laugh. "Besides, I'm only wearin' these for a bit. I'm gonna change when we get back home."

Home. Gosh, that felt weird to say...but it also felt good. After nearly a year of being trapped in that hell-hole, he was so excited to actually be home. Gosh, he missed having a real bed, missed hot showers, missed eating real food-

"Kaz...Kaz, are you crying?" The dark-haired male questioned upon feeling a wet substance hitting his skin.

The other male let out a pathetic chuckle. "I'm just...happy, ya know? I finally get to go home...with you...I just..."

He didn't even get to finish his thought before he broke down in sobs. He pressed his face against Gundham's neck, tears streaming down his cheeks. His shaking hands held a weak grip onto the front of the taller male's shirt. Gundham rubbed soothing circles into Kazuichi's back, heart breaking.

"Everything is okay. Please, don't waste your tears here. You're going home, Kaz."

A faint smile spread across Kazuichi's quivering lips. "Home."

✧ | ✧ | ✧

"Mortal, why do you appear to be so nauseo-...oh. I'm so sorry, I've seem to have forgotten-"

"It's fine, Gundham...I mean, how else are we gonna get home?"

Kazuichi had been discharged from the hospital. While he and his lover were extremely happy to be heading home, they seemed to have forgotten one important detail.

The pink-haired male stared at Gundham's car, face turning a greenish hue. It appeared that the taller male had forgotten of Kazuichi's motion sickness. Every since they started dating, it was a known fact that they wouldn't take a vehicle unless they really had to. They'd walk almost everywhere.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Kazuichi question, walking over to the passenger side of the car. "I'm ready to go home."

Gundham unlocked the car, and the two hopped in. He started the car, glancing over at the pink-haired male in worry.

"Do you," he started, "promise to inform me if I'm going too fast. It would pain me if I was thd cause of your sickness, and I would rather have you not vomit inside my car."

"I'll be fine, Gundham!" The other male said, grinning. He gave Gundham a thumbs up. "It's only a half-hour drive or so - I'll be a-okay!"

With that said, Gundham slowly pulled out of the hospital parking lot. Finally - finally - they'd be going home.


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