06 | Father Dearest

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SONIA NEVERMIND ENTERED the small hospital room, a soft smile on her lips. She shut the door quietly, tip-toeing over to the bed. There, Gundham sat on the bed, Kazuichi out cold, head laying in Gundham's lap.

Tears sprang to her eyes as she saw what condition the pink-haired male was on. She brought her hands to her mouth, holding back a sob. This was not the Kazuichi Souda she knew.

Walking over to his bedside, she pulled up a chair and sat down in it. She grabbed the male's rough hand, holding in in her delicate ones. A frown spread across her lips the longer she stared at the male.

"How's he been?" Sonia questioned Gundham softly, careful as to not disturb the sleeping male. "Is he in a lot of pain?"

"It's more mental pain than physical to be honest," Gundham replied, staring down at the male in his lap. "His mind...it isn't all completely there. His body is in a rough state as well."

The princess sent Gundham a small smile. "He'll get through this, Gundham. I promise you. He is Kazuichi Souda, after all. He's a fighter 'till the end!"

Gundham let out a low chuckle, rubbing his face with his hands. Sonia always knew how to cheer him up. There was something about her, something about her...

"When's he going to be able to come home?" Sonia questioned, drawing Gundham out of his thoughts.

"Tsumiki said it would be about a week," Gundham trailed off. "However, I can't be the one to take him home."

Sonia's baby blue eyes grew wide. "Why not?! Before the incident, Kazuichi practically lived at your house. Why can't he come home with you?"

"I would say it's up to him," Gundham continued, "but he's not an adult yet. One of his parents would have to be the one to check him out. He'd have to go home with them."

The room grew silent. Sonia's face paled. She shook her head, not believing what she was hearing. Kazuichi couldn't go back to that house.

"We're not allowing his father to take him back home," Sonia growled, clenching her fists. "As long as I'm alive, Kazuichi will never go back there."

Gundham looked down at the male in his lap. He let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through Kazuichi's tangled locks. Biting his bottom lip, he looked back up at Sonia.

There was one way that Kazuichi could go home with him. But, it was risky. Besides, he didn't think it would actually work...would it?

"Tsumiki said that if I got parent approval, Kazuichi could leave the hospital. Whatever happens after he leaves the hospital is all Kazuichi's choice. If we could just get his father's siganture..."

"That's a risky plan, Gundham," Sonia stated before her lips curled upwards to form a smile. "I'm in."

✧ | ✧ | ✧

"Gundham...where're you goin'?..." Kazuichi muttered groggily, opening his eyes to look at the taller man.

Kazuichi seemed much better than he had yesterday. He hadn't had too many breakdowns, but he was still on a lot of medication. However, he was with it enough to understand everything that was going on.

The mechanic struggled to sit up in bed. He watched with a curious expression as Gundham put on his coat. Kazuichi cocked an eyebrow, curious as to what was going on.

Gundham approached his bedside, wrapping his iconic purple scarf around his neck (Kazuichi still had the tattered, old one, and he refused to get rid of it). Gundham planted a kiss on Kazuichi's forehead before looking away guilty.

"...I'm going to see your father."

"W-What?!" Kazuichi froze at the mere mention of the man. "Why are you goin' over there?! You're not tellin' him to pick me up, right?! I'm not goin' back there, I'm not-"

"Mortal..." Gundham grabbed his hands, staring into Kazuichi's orbs. "I'm not leaving you, I promise. We just need his signature so you can leave the hospital. You won't even have to speak to that devil ever again."

Kazuichi visably relaxed. He let out a small sigh of relief before peering up at Gundham. "I wish you luck. Dad's not the most agreeable of people."

"It'll be fine, mortal," Gundham promised. "Now, go to sleep. By the time you wake up, this whole catastrophe will have been sorted out."

"Alright...I trust you."

✧ | ✧ | ✧

...After hearing the knocks on his bedroom door, Gundham slowly got up to see who it was. He pulled open the door, eyes widening at who it was. He quickly granted access to male, pulling him inside his bedroom.

"Your ma let me in," Kazuichi Souda answered sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Gundham sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course his mother let him in. She adored Kazuichi - he was practically he other son. She said it was "about time Gundham got friends of his own".

"Your face is bleeding," Gundham pointed out, wiping off some blood on Kazuichi's forehead with his thumb. "Your devil of a father, I'm guessing?"

"I don't think it was on purpose this time, though," Kazuichi replied softly. "He got mad and threw a wrench. I just so happened to be in the way."

The breeder gently grabbed his companion's jaw, examining it. While there was blood on Kazuichi's forehead, the worst of it appeared to be on his jawline. There were big purple-blue bruises accompanied by crimson blood decorating the boy's tan skin.

Heading into his bathroom to grab a wet towel, Gundham called out over his shoulder, "I don't see why you force yourself to live with that devil. You know he's just going to end up hurting you."

Kazuichi sat down in bed, placing his head in his hands. "I dunno, man. I mean, he's still my father, ya know? I don't...I don't think I could bring myself to hate him...'specially since he's probably this way since Ma left..."

He trailed off, biting his bottom lip. Honestly, Kazuichi understood why his father was like this. His mother had left them, and so his father turned his anger onto his only son. It seemed reasonable enough.

Gundham came back into the room, carefully scrubbing the dried blood off his lover's face. "You're more than welcome to stay here, mortal. I mean, you're here everyday already, and Mother practically adores you-"

"You mean it?" Kazuichi butted in, eyes wide. "I could actually stay here?"

"Stay with me."

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