07 | Sign the Effin' Paper

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WITH A SCOWL prominent on his face, Gundham slid into the driver's seat of his car where Sonia was already waiting. He grabbed onto the steering wheel with such force that his knuckles were turning white. Sonia raised a brow, looking at him in surprise.

"What has got you so upset?" Sonia inquired, tilting her head to the side. "Don't you want to be able to go home with Kazuichi?"

Gundham let out a heavy sigh, resting his head against the steering wheel. He closed his eyes and puffed out his cheeks. Frowning slightly, he began to explain.

"I can't stand his poor excuse for a father," Gundham confessed. "Even though he's abusive, Kazuichi's convinced his father still loves him. Honestly, I don't know how he can hold onto such foolish dreams."

Sonia sighed, looking out the window. "That's always been Kazuichi. He believes there's good in everyone...and he if he wants to believe his father is good person, that is his opinion. All we can do is let him hold onto that hope. Who are we to take it from him?"

Gundham frowned, eyes fixed on the road. "I guess you are right, my Dark Queen. However, I still can't help but feel...frustrated at his actions."

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. Gundham nervously tapped his fingers against the steering wheel while biting his bottom lip. He hadn't been to Kazuichi's house since the boy disappeared, and even then, he hadn't gone there often. Kazuichi preferred to be as far away from that he'll hole as possible.

Gundham himself couldn't stand the house. It wasn't just the unwelcoming atmosphere, but it just felt so bleak and rundown without Kazuichi's mother there. Gundham had always believed that his lover's mother was a good woman, and he wasn't wrong. Yet, he always held a little resentment towards her, for she had up and left the house and Kazuichi's father, leaving her son behind.

He knew why she did what she did, but why wouldn't she take her only son with her? Kazuichi's mother knew exactly what his father was doing to her child, yet she did nothing to stop it. She left like a coward.

So, Gundham couldn't helped but feel uncomfortable as they pulled into Kazuichi's father's house. The car bumped along the dirt driveway, stopping in front of the small house.

The house appeared to be quite unmaintained. The yard was full of weeds, probably having not been mowed in a while. The outside of the house was dirty, and Gundham was pretty sure the roof was going to cave in at any minute. However, the only well-kept part of the home was the garage, which looked brand-spanking new. He supposed it was because Kazuichi and his father spent quite some time in there.

"This is where Kazuichi lives?" Sonia murmured quietly, eyes scanning the area. It made Gundham realize he was one of the few people to have ever actually been over to the boy's house.

"Let's just get this over with," Gundham declared, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I don't want to have to be trapped here in this hell hole any longer than I need to be."

The two marched towards the garage where Gundham knew Kazuichi's father would be. Sure enough, they saw him underneath a car, working away diligently. The smell of motor oil hit Gundham's nose, and he couldn't help but relax slightly as it reminded him of Kazuichi.

"Sir?" Sonia called out politely, careful as to not spook the man. "Sir, we'd like to talk, if that's alright with you."

"This bett'r be important," the man drawled, sliding out from underneath the car. He sat up, and his eyes narrowed, landing on Gundham. "You."

"It's a pleasure to see you again, too, Mr Souda."

Gundham and Mr Souda had never been on good terms in the first place. After all, it had been Gundham who went to the police after Kazuichi's disappearance, not even his own father. Besides, Mr Souda had never approved of his son's homosexual relationship.

"What are you doin' 'ere, boy?" Kazuichi's father questioned, practically scowling at the two.

"They found your son, sir," Sonia answered politely, letting out a small squeak as his eyes landed on hers.

The older man's eyes widened. He looked back and forth between the two before a pathetic grin took over his face. He shook his head, laughing sadly. "Well, I'll be damned."

"We need your permission to get him out of the hospital," Sonia further explained, gesturing to the papers in her hands. "I'm afraid your son has been hurt pretty badly. We just need a signature so we can sign him out, and he can come home."

"Home?" Mr Souda raised an eyebrow. "He ain't comin' back here, that's for sure. I ain't signing those papers."

"He will not be returning here," Gundham told him, trying to control his growing anger. "He will be coming home with me. Now, if you could please sign the papers, we will be on our way."

"What if I don't wanna?"

Gundham and Sonia's eyes were fixed on the older man in a flash. He looked at them, emotionless. Their hate for the man only grew by the second.

Mr Souda shrugged nonchalantly. "What has that boy ever done for me? I don't think I should sign those papers."

Within a second, Gundham had the man pinned to the side of the car he was working on. His anger had gotten the best of him, and he was practically fuming. He just wanted his mortal to be able to come home.

"Sign the effin' papers," Gundham growled, "and we will be on our way. What do you say?"

Mr Souda's eyes grew wide in terror. He nodded frantically, and Gundham released his hold on him. Sonia immediately shoved the papers and a pen in his hand, and he began filling out the needed forms.

Looks like Mr Souda complied, after all.

✧ | ✧ | ✧

..."Mortal, what are you doing calling me at this ungodly hour? It is nearly midnight, and I wish to be asleep," Gundham muttered groggily into the phone, rubbing his eye with the palm of his hand.

There were a few sniffles on the other line before Kazuichi finally answered. "Can...can you come pick me up? I just need to get away from here."

Gundham's expression softened. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Calm down, alright? It's going to be okay."

"...Thank you."

It took about ten minutes to get to Kazuichi's house. When Gundham pulled in, Kazuichi was already sitting on the porch, waiting for him. His arms were hugging a pillow tightly, and he was already wearing his night clothes. He stared off into space, but upon seeing Gundham's headlights, a look of relief washed over his face.

Kazuichi practically raced to his boyfriend's car, throwing himself in side. Once inside, Gundham realized the boy was barefoot, and he was shivering. How long has he been outside for. Kazuichi pulled his knees into his chest, staring straight ahead, eyes glossed over as if he was remembering something sad.

Gundham's hand slid to pat the boy's knee affectionately. Kazuichi's facial features softened, and he sunk back into the seat, grabbing Gundham's hand.

"Are you alright, mortal?" Gundham inquired softly. "Clearly, there is something troubling you."

"I..." The pink-haired mechanic swallowed, shaking his head. "I just wanna get away from here."

"Anything you wish."

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