05 | Amnesia Is a Bitch

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GUNDHAM CRADDLED THE crying pink-haired male in his arms. His lover sobbed and sobbed, but he wouldn't dare open his eyes. Perhaps he was caught in a nightmare of sorts - one that Gundham might not be able to save him from.

He ran his fingers through the shorter male's hair, trying to calm him down. Kazuichi had been absolutely panicked when he woke up, and that frightened Gundham. This was not the Kazuichi he knew. He hardly even knew the crying boy in his arms.

"You're safe now, mortal. It's okay," Gundham whispered, resting Kazuichi's head on his shoulder. "No fiend is going to hurt you. Not when I'm here."

Kazuichi took in a few shuddering breaths, his body still trembling. His fingers instinctively grabbed onto Gundham's clothing, pulling the male closer. If Gundham was being honest, he wasn't sure if Kazuichi even realized who he was yet. The male refused to open his eyes, almost as if he was afraid to fully wake up.

"Mortal...mortal, please look at me," Gundham said softly, grabbing the boy's shoulders and gently moving him so that they were face to face. Kazuichi, however, still kept his eyes squeezed shut, tears spilling out from the corners. "Please open your eyes. It's okay. I promise."

Slowly, the pink-haired male's eyes opened. Long-gone were his pink-colored contacts. Now, unfamiliar dark orbs scanned the room before him.

The mechanic's eyes studied Gundham in confusion. The breeder's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't forget him - he couldn't, he couldn't-

Kazuichi blinked, tilting his head to the side . Suddenly, it began to click, the gears in his head beginning to move. He let out a gasp, eyes lighting up.


A sad smile grazed the breeder's lips. He nodded, tears coming to his eyes. "Yes, it is I, the Dark Lord Gundham Tanaka," he croaked out, tears steaming down his cheeks.

The mechanic's eyes glistened with tears. He didn't believe it at first - he just thought God might have been playing a cruel trick on him. But here he was. He was touching him. He was real.

"Gundham Tanaka."

Gosh, even the name sounded foreign on his tongue. Of course, speaking in general just felt awkward. He hadn't held a real conversation in quite some time.

Everything just felt awkward between him and Gundham. However, it was comforting to know he was there. He still cared, and that was all that mattered.

"Do...do you remember me?" Gundham questioned softly. It was odd hearing him speak in that tone of voice. Where was the ever-present confidences he held to him?

"Of course I remember you," Kazuichi laughed weakly, but his laugh was indeed rough and shaky. "How could I forget you?"

Then arms were flung around Kazuichi's shaky frame. They pulled they make in for a tight hug, two bodies pressing against each other in a matter of milliseconds. Gundham's arms were squeezing the life out of him, and his face was pressed in the crook of Kazuichi's neck.

For a few seconds, the moment felt odd. At first, his mind was not registering what was happening, telling him that he didn't want this. But Gundham was not her, nor would he ever be her. And so, Kazuichi hesitantly hugged back, relishing in the warmth that was Gundham.

"I thought I lost you," Gundham whispered hoarsely. "When they couldn't find you...I thought you were gone for good."

Kazuichi paused for a moment, and then he closed his eyes. Taking in a shaky breath, he let the tears fall. "I thought I had lost myself, too."

The pink-haired male frowned, letting out a shuddering breath. "You're really here...I'm really here."

He let out a weak laugh before bursting into sobs. He was broken - unfixable. Hell, he was broken beyond repair. There's was no fixing him.

Gundham squeezed him tighter, whispering reassuring sweet-nothing's into his ears. The only sounds heard in the room were Kazuichi's sobs echoing off the walls.

"You are going to be okay, mortal," Gundham whispered, voice cracking. "It's going to be alright. May the gods have mercy on us."

Slowly, Kazuichi grew heavier in the male's arms. Soon enough, the mechanic fell fast asleep, fingers holding a tight grip onto Gundham's shirt.

✧ | ✧ | ✧

...Her eyes scanned him with a hunger that could send fear even into Hilter. She chuckled to herself, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. The devilish little grin on her face grew wider by the second as her eyes gleamed with despair.

Kazuichi looked up at the devil of a woman, eyes wide in terror. He shook his head repeatedly, saying no over and over again. The tears flooded his eyes. He didn't want this. He knew what was going to happen, and he didn't want anything to do with it.

"Oh, the despair on your face is so satisfying!" The female standing before him cooed, sending shivers down his spine.

"No...no, get away from me!" Kazuichi croaked out, the chains attached to his wrist clinking together. "I don't want this - I DON'T WANT THIS!"

"Aw, you're so cute!~" She giggled before deadpanning, "It sickens me."

She flung her foot into his gut, knocking the wind out of him. He wheezed, trying to fill his lungs with air. Oh, God, it burned. He wanted it to stop. 

The female before him took his moment of weakness to her advantage. She got down on the ground beside him, quickly sliding his pants off. He cried out in protest.

Kazuichi let out a raw sob as her hands roamed his body carelessly. Her nails dig into his skin, fingers slipping into the elastic of his pants.

"Oh, I'm gonna have fun with you!"

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