Lied To Me

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"Hey Annabeth," Luke said walking over to her as she sat down.

"Hey Luke," she said.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

She shook her head and they talked until everyone came back in and sat down.

"Ok, time to read the next chapter," Thalia said.

Perseus popped out of a shadow in his father's throne room in the void, Clarisse still in his arms. The throne room was empty and Perseus knew his father was giving him some time to speak to Clarisse alone. Perseus was honestly surprised with himself. He swore long ago to never associate with any of Ares children. When he heard Clarisse's story though, he knew how wrong he had been. While their creation may not have been as horrid as his, their lives had been worse since they didn't have someone like Chaos to take them in as their own. Despite not knowing her, he already cared for his sister Clarisse. She had tried to help and protect her siblings but a person can only take so much. Perseus ached for his moment to retribution against the war god. He would tear Olympus down if he had to in order to get to him.

Clarisse smiled at Percy and they both glared at Ares making him whimper in his throne. And everyone looked at Ares with pity because he'd tear down Olympus just to kick his ass.

He carried Clarisse to his throne and set her down on it. She looked around in wonder and confusion. He saw she was about to say something so he interrupted her. "Wait Clarisse, let me finish healing your wound first it is still not healed and your Achilles' spot is very difficult to heal, it will take a few minutes."

She nodded to him, deep appreciation shown in her eyes. He placed a hand on her wound and sent stream of black and silver energy into it. He saw her grimace in pain and knew it would take a few minutes to finish. He grabbed her hand with his, trying to give her comfort while he worked. The look in her eyes broke his heart. He could tell this was probably the most caring thing someone had ever done for her. He knew he would protect and care for her no matter what.

"It was," Clarisse whispered and smiled at Percy with gratitude and he smiled back.

He finally finished after a few minutes. Clarisse sighed with relief, but didn't let go of his hand. He could tell she was nervous.

"Ok Clarisse, I'm going to explain some things to you about my life and when I finish you can ask any question you want. Some of the things I tell you will be rather unbelievable but I swear they are true."

Clarisse nodded her head, waiting to learn about her brother.

"I was born over two thousand years ago. My mother is a minor Goddess; a minor Roman Goddess to be exact. You see the Olympians all have two aspects, Greek and Roman, like Neptune and Poseidon. Basically they can shift between their two aspects at will as they basically the same with small differences. Most minor Gods and Goddess only belong to one pantheon. To sum up a horrifying story quickly, Ares raped my mother who was a maiden Goddess. But he also raped her as Ares and not Mars, his Roman Aspect; making it even more insulting to a Roman Goddess. My mother fled knowing Zeus would kill me if he knew I was a mix of the pantheons. While she was running, my adoptive father saved her and brought her here, where we are now, which I will explain about in a moment. My father knew I couldn't return so adopted me and I grew up here only visited Earth to visit my mother, and later my girlfriend."

Percy and Clarisse glared at Ares and grasped each other's hands and send a black twister towards Ares. When it hit him, he screamed until the twister faded and he was unrecognizable. They high fived and sat back down ignoring the stares they were getting.

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