I'm Not Scary

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"Next chapter," Chaos said.

"MOM!" Perseus screamed.

When Perseus saw his mother impaled by the sword of Krios he snapped. He grabbed Zoe's hand and appeared by his mother's side before Krios could even pull his sword out. His eyes were pitch black orbs of blazing fire.

Some people scooted away at Percy while Lupa smiled a fanged smile at her son.

He let go of Zoe and grabbed the Titan by the throat, lifting him a foot off the ground. Surrounding his body was an aura of darkness darker than the darkest black that radiated and pulsed around him. He ran forward still holding Krios by the throat and slammed the Titan against a tree. A hunting knife materialized in his hand which he stabbed through Krios' shoulder pinning him to the tree. Another knife appeared in his hand which he impaled into the Titan's other shoulder, pinning him more securely to the tree. He then froze the Titan in place so he wouldn't have to worry about him trying to escape. He turned around and created a wall of darkness to block anyone from seeing him.

"Who wouldn't have seen a girl stabbing a Titan with a black aura surrounding her?" Apollo asked but Hermes shrugged his shoulders.

He quickly turned to his mother and Zoe, the fire extinguished from his eyes and the angry aura surrounding him vanished. He ran to his mother's side to see her smiling weakly at him.

"You're going to be fine Mom. I will heal you, just relax." Perseus said quietly.

"She can't die Percy, you'd just have to wait for her to reform," Artemis said.

Percy blushed before saying, "I know that. I just saw my mother get stabbed, that wouldn't be the first thing on my mind that she can't die, it would be to kill the son of a bitch who tried to kill her,"

Lupa chuckled at her son, "I know that, I may be a minor Goddess but I'm still a Goddess. The worst he could do is killing me until I reformed."

Percy blushed harder while everyone laughed at him.

Zoe snickered at Lupa's words. Perseus glared at her which caused her to laugh harder.

Perseus took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. "Sorry, mother I sometimes forget that. You, father, and Zoe are the only people I had in my life for millennia, the thought of losing any of you gets to me."

Lupa smiled at her son, "I know Percy, and you've always been such a momma's boy." She said while pinching his cheek softly.

At this, Chaos stopped reading to laugh at him and Percy just tried to hide in Zoe's hair.

Zoe fell on her back from her kneeling position laughing.

Perseus' face turned bright red before he started to glare at his mother. "You know, if you want, I can let you die and wait for you to reform."

Lupa glared back at her son. "You can't scare me with a glare you inherited from me. Now heal my wound, it's not exactly painless."

"Ha! You can't scare her with her own glare Perce," Hermes said laughing while Percy glared at him.

Perseus smiled at his mother before putting his hands over her wound and sending a steady stream of silver and dark energy into it. When he stopped her wound was completely healed.

She slowly got up before pulling her son into a tight embrace. "You truly are what every mother in the world wishes for in a son. I love you Perseus."

All the goddesses and demigoddesses in the room awed while Percy's form flickered and in his place, a shadow of him remained. The shadow talked and said, "Keep reading dad,"

Reading Lord Perseus Child of RomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora