Long Time No See

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"The next chapter." Demeter read.

500 Years Later

Hunters of Artemis

Since that fateful day five hundred years ago, Zoe Nightshade's life had taken a 180 degree turn. Finally being outside the Garden of the Hesperides, Zoe had travelled the world with the Hunters of Artemis. Her fellow hunters had replaced the family she lost she was banished from the garden, the hunters were her sisters and Artemis had taken over the motherly role in Zoe's life that she lost long before she was banished.

Artemis seemed to forget about Percy as she smiled at Zoe. She looked at all her huntresses as if they were her own children.

When she appeared in the middle of the hunter's camp all those years ago, she was first looked at with fear. But after speaking to Lady Artemis and telling her the story of meeting Heracles and then his betrayal she was welcomed with open arms into the hunters. When Artemis asked how she simply appeared inside the hunter's camp, she had told the story Perseus had given her, that she met a woman after her exile who had recommended she seek out Artemis and even transported her into the hunter's camp for her. At the mention of the woman Artemis had just smiled but Zoe thought she heard the name Lupa as Artemis smiled. Regardless of who Artemis thought the woman was, Zoe had never forgotten the man that saved her life all those years ago.

"I never forgot you either Zoe." Percy said as he smiled at her.

"I know that now Percy." Zoe said smiling and shaking her head at Percy at the same time.

"AWWWWWWWW!" Aphrodite screeched making everyone wince.

In the past 500 years Zoe had only had two chances to contact Perseus as the hunt was constantly moving from one hunt to another. Both times Perseus had come to see her when she had prayed to him. Although after each visit Zoe was just more and more baffled at the power he possessed. Instead of teleporting to her he appeared to walk out of some kind of portal of darkness. His visits were brief but while he was there he spent most of the time listening attentively to Zoe tell him about her adventures but told her very little of what he had been doing in all that time. Regardless of how secretive and guarded he was about his life, Zoe had no doubt she trusted him completely.

"Don't even say it. I know what you're going to say Percy." Zoe said.

"What is it then, oh wise and mighty Zoe?" he asked her teasingly.

"I'll tell Hestia and if you guess right she'll be able to clarify I didn't change," He said as he walked over to Hestia and whispered something into his ear. She smiled and nodded her head.

"I bet she'll get it wrong," Hermes said.

"No she'll get it right," Artemis said.

"Everyone who thinks I'm right come over here." Hermes said as all the male gods and demigods went and joined him.

"And all who think I'm right, come over here." Artemis said as all the female goddesses, demigoddesses, and Percy joined her.

"You were going to say, 'And I trust you completely too Zoe.' Right?" Zoe looked at Hestia.

Hestia nodded and said, "Yeah, he said 'And I trust you too."

"Ha! She didn't say it all the way. We're right." Hermes said.

Artemis rolled her eyes and said, "Girls are right as always, suck it up Hermes."

Demeter started to read again.

When with the hunt Zoe had developed the man-hating tendencies that were encouraged and preached within the hunters. It was not an act with Zoe either, she was a man-hater along with the rest of the hunters. She had witnessed the horrors that men commit and had killed her share of men along with the rest of the hunters. Perseus was just her exception to the rule. She still thought about the kiss they shared all those years ago and each time she did she couldn't keep a blush off her face. She knew deep down inside her heart she cared for him. She just kept those feelings buried as she had made an oath to Artemis that she intended to keep. Although she had only talked to Perseus twice since joining the hunt she could have sworn she had seen a midnight black wolf watching her sometimes during their hunts. It seemed to have the exact same color eyes as Perseus, a beautiful mix of black and silver. But when she looked through the hunt's wolves afterwards she could never find the wolf she thought she saw.

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